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Sam’s eyes fluttered open at the sound of his alarm firing on. He sighed, giving up already at making any movement as he let his body fall back onto his mattress, and roll over to the other side of his bed, facing the white wall with in the corner, the bedside table and his alarm clock. The headache was terrible, and he can’t remember the last time he had such a bad one before. Maybe it was because of the party, but he knows by himself that he didn’t drank a single bottle of alcohol.

If Castiel, Anna and Gabriel ever ask him out for a damn party again, then he will refuse to go. Not even for a slice of pizza. Because, even Sam doesn’t trust himself into doing things that he doesn’t like to do. For that matter, he will stay home and do something with Dean instead. Spending some time with his brother will do good.

“Sam, wake up!” Someone yelled, getting the tall guy to groan and mutter something under his breath. Suddenly, he the sheets get pulled off of his body, and someone start to giggle. “Sammeh!” The person cried again, “Get your fat arse up before I take a bucket of water and-”

“Okay shut up, I’m coming!” Sam sat up and fell out of his bed, letting out a loud whimper before he bashed his head against the wall near his bed. “Shit.” He cursed and the person started to laugh really loudly, like little giggles. Sam recognized it instantly, “That wasn’t funny, Gabriel!”

“Oh, jeez.” The small boy held his stomach that hurt from laughing so hard. “That was the funniest thing ever and I can’t even contain my laughter from this, I’m sorry!”

“Right…” Sam groaned, rubbing his head as the sound of Gabriel’s laughing died a little. He looked around the room and then started questioning himself how the heck his friend found him. How does he knows where Sam lives? Oh yeah right, Cas drove the car at his house to pick him up for the club, which turned into a party that was from Lucifer, that nobody knew about at all.

“Where the hell did you come from?”

“Er, Sam you have a fudging date with my brother!” Gabriel rolled his eyes, “Which is fucking ridiculous but alright, I had to because Anna pushed me towards you.”

“Date?” Sam furrowed his eyebrows before he shook his head and let out a small chuckle of disbelief, “Bro,  I have no idea what you are talking about, but one thing is for sure and that is that I’m not having a freaking ‘date’ with Lucifer at all.”

“No?” Gabriel asked, tilting his head to the side adorably like he was confused.

“No, Gabe.”

“Then how did Anna tell me you had a date with him, or something?” He asked Sam, looking up at the ceiling as a small smirk was playing onto his lips. He knew how she did this. First of all; she hired someone to go and listen to the conversation that Luke and Sam had during the dance, she payed her or him ten dollar for it and voilà. This is Anna Milton’s way on ‘how to spy on a couple’ . She totally should write a guide book for that.

“Next time I see her, I’ll throw my dance bag at her face.” Sam sighed as he stood up, brushing his hands over his body to clean the imaginary dust off of himself. Gabriel just smiled, sitting on the edge of his bed, enjoying the comfortableness of it.

“You have a nice room, though.” He said, patting onto the bed and scanning the view of Sam’s room. “Oh and, hey!” He pointed at the posters on the wall, his eyes suddenly lighting up with excitement, “My brother Michael and me listen to The Beatles too!”

Sam couldn’t contain the smile that was tugging at his lips, and he just cracked into a wide grin in front of his friend. “Yeah, my mom loves them more than me though. She was a big fan of them and used to sing ‘Hey, Jude’ to me and Dean when we were little before going to bed.” He explained, both of them running their eyes over the posters again and again. “It were good times back then.”

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