Chapter 16

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I know I told a few people that I would have the next chapter out last night, but a few things went down on New Years Eve to New Years, I apologize. Here is your next v short chapter. Vote, Comment, Enjoy!

Got any ideas you'd like to suggest in the story? Give me a message on here or my tumblr that's in my profile bio. We'll have a chat and see how it goes! Thanks loves!


Cas' POV

"You can't smell the drink first Cas!" Dean was yelling at me, not to be mean or something, I guess.

"I can't do it any more, Dean.. That beer taste funny and bitter, no more alcohol.."

My friends were staring at me as I stood there with a shot of vodka in my hand.

My dad is gonna kill me if he found out I was drinking. That's all I could think to myself while looking down at the clear alcoholic drink in the tiny glass cup in shape of a female with a yellow and black polka dot bikini.

"If you take the shot, I'll do whatever you want me to do." Dean said , folding his arms over his chest.

Kiss me. Was all that came to mind but ended up saying,

"Sleep over?" With a sheepish smile and single shoulder shrug, he just smiled and nodded.

"Sure, I'll sleep over, now do it."

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and brought the glass to my lips and drank the strong taste of the alcohol. Putting the glass on the counter, I stood there frozen, the drink was strong, bitter, stinging tasting, if that was even possible. I can feel it burning my mouth and throat, while it went down. It feels likes it still there. God, it was like drinking nail polish remover. I can feel tears burning at my eyes, but I tried to relax.

Dean came over and wrapped his arm around my shoulder with a proud smile. All I can really do is just lean onto him.

"Proud of you Cas, you did good." He was rubbing my shoulder and I can feel my head spinning.

Was is this feeling? My head's dizzy, I can feel my cheeks getting hot, I cant focus.

I'm drunk.

One beer and a shot of vodka, and I'm already drunk.

I'm pathetic.

Hello there, Dean.Where stories live. Discover now