Chapter 7

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Dean's POV

I walked away from Castiel, glancing back at him every now and then till I finally exited the school.

I looked at the time on my phone, 'It's almost 2. I should go get, Sammy.' I thought to myself.

Walking to my Impala, I saw a figure standing by my car. As I walked closer, the figure looked familiar,

"Benny, dude, what are you doing here?" I said smiling, going in for a hug. He hugged back, patting my shoulder.

"I got out early and I heard you came to this school after what happened." He started to explain him after the hug. "I came to check on ya. How you doin' brother?" He asked squeezing my shoulder.

"Same old, same old. You?"

"Well, first day of school and i'm already suspended." Benny said as if it were no big deal.

"Dude what happened?"

"Alistair already started talking shit about my best friend, and then would make remarks about me. I've had enough, and let him have it." I kinda smirked at the image of Alistair getting what he deserved. "I'll be out of school for a week, but then I'm back in. But if anything, I'll probably transfer here and join ya."

The thought of my best friend coming to school with me made me warm up. "If you really want to, I would be happy if you did." I said honestly.

Benny reached over squeezing my shoulder again, "I gotta start going, see ya around, brother." He said as he walked off to his truck.

I just waved in return and jumped into my impala. 'Time to get, Sammy.'  I said as I began to drive off to my little brothers middle school.

I saw him standing on the front, talking to kid that was a bit shorter than him and had a lollipop in his mouth. I pulled to the side, honking and he turned his attention to me, smiling. Mouthing something to the other kid and then ran to the car.

Sam got into the passenger seat and smiled. "Hey Dean, how was school?"

All I could really remember was the blue eyed boy, Castiel. "Just made a few friends and saw Benny, having a chat."

"I made a friend, too. He was the kid i was talking to." he babbled. "His name is Gabriel, I forgot his last name." He went said, looking down, trying to focus.

"Well, I'm glad you made a friend. Now let's go to the diner, I'm starving. I think Ellen might make a fresh apple pie." I said rubbing my stomach, making Sam chuckle.

"Alright. Do you have a football practice today?"

"Yeah, but I have an hour till i have to get ready and go." I said pulling out the school parking lot and driving off.

Castiel's POV


The bell ending the rang loudly. I walked out of class with a small digital camera cas around my neck.

Our teacher said as for a first assignment to take 5 pictures of things that make up happy.

Not a lot of things came to mind, till I remembered a few things.

Jo and Charlie we waiting by the lockers laughing. 'Perfect.'

Taking the camera off from around my neck, I turned it on and snapped at the two laughing at each other. 

"Hey!" Charlie yelled. "You're such a dork, at least let me know." she kept laughing and smiling.

I smiled back at the two.

"Well let's go to my moms diner to hang out." Jo said with her hand in her pockets. Charlie nodded and they both waited for me.

"Actually, I'm gonna stay here for a while, so you guys go on a head." I said nervously and they nodded in agreement. Giving me hugs, they left and I went to the football field.

It took me a bit to continue to think of what made me happy. 'I love books!' Thinking to myself, i went to the bleachers. Setting my stuff on a seat, i pulled out a book and lied it down. I went to a certain angle and snapped a shot.

Looking at the picture, I smiled at it. 'Now three more to go.'

Since I didn't have to home right away and the girls are already gone, I thought of just staying here a bit and read. Relaxing.

I sat and read my book a few more chapters. That had to be about half an hour.

Then I heard voices on the field, some football players started walking on the field with equipment.

"Go set that over there, you take that over there." I looked down to see our football coach giving orders. Instead of going back to my book, I just watched and pay attention.

Then I saw a group of football players that bullied me a lot walk onto the field.

"Hey look! It's Nerdy-Novak!" One yelled out then they went into roar of laughter.

I looked down at my book, not bothering to pay attention anymore. I felt like leaving till I heard a familiar voice really close to me.

"Hey Cas." I looked up to see the green eyed boy smiling down at me. I totally forgot he was in football for a good second.

"Hello there, Dean." I smiled back at the boy.

I observed him, he was wearing his black and gold (not sure if that's the colors of the school) jersey with his black. . legging things.

"What are you doing here?" He said then looked at my camera. "Taking snaps of players for your pleasure, Cas? How naughty." Dean teased and I felt my face get hot.

"N-No! That's not--" I said stuttering, feeling embarrassed.

Chuckling he spoke again, "I'm teasing ya, Cas. But, what are you really doing?"

"It's an assignment I got from my photography class. 'Five pictures of things that make me smile/happy.'" I began to explain.

"Get your camera ready," I looked up at the dirty blonde hair boy, "'Cause I'm ready for my close up."

I chuckled up at him, raising my camera to my eyes.

Dean stood up and began to pose in many way. I giggled and blushed at each one and he joined in.

After many pictures, Dean took the camera from me, sat very close. Shoulder to shoulder. Blushing he said, 'Cheese!' I looked up at the camera he pointed at us and then a flash.

The picture looked great. Dean and I sat closely. My blush and big blue eyes starred at the camera, his eyes barley showing and giant smile. It was a perfect picture.

Hello there, Dean.Where stories live. Discover now