Chapter 21

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Dean POV

We got to school after some time dropping off the young siblings. Cas still hasn't really spoken about anything. Even when I try to start a conversation with him, it's just little grunts of a response.

After a long silence of me and him just sitting in front of the school, he took a deep breath and sighs.

"I'm transferring schools." He says soft like. "This is my last week here."

The news kinda struck hard, I've been here for like a week and he's going. It's my fault that he's going because his dad caught us.

"Cas, I am so-"

"Dean, it's okay." That's when he finally gave me a small like crack of a smile. "I really liked our moment together. I really did enjoy kissing you Dean, don't blame yourself."

The conversation didn't get any more interesting, just that Gabriel kinda has a crush on Sam, but not sure that if he likes him back.

The day didn't go anything special either, except Cas not telling everyone about him leaving. It's terrible but I'm not gonna say anything about it to them if he doesn't want to either.

I guess the only thing that's come of that night is that Cas and I kiss pretty much anytime now.

I think this is a start in our relationship. 


Sorry this is short, Next friday will be short and just Cas's POV, then starting next Tuesday will be chapters. ALSO, if ya'll have suggestions on this story that you think could help, go ahead and give me a message. 

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