Chapter 9

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Hey guys!

Finally an update! Woohoo! My phone is still a butt and so is my laptop. But we might get my laptop fixed soon so there is that. I'll try to do updates at school or at a friends house! Enjoy~


Dean's POV

I woke up to Sam shaking me, still being a bit soar, it hurt when he did it. 

"Dean, its 7:15 , your alarm didnt go off!" He was practically shouting at me, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

'I dont have time to shower this morning.' I thought to myself. When I got up, Sam began to leave my room and closed the door behind him. I walked to my closet to get new clothes for the day.

After being dressed finally, I walked to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and then went downstairs seeing Sammy satnd by the door waiting for me to drive him to school. I had to mis breakfast, too.

We went to the impala, and I drove him to school. 

Sam jumped out of the car, waving me 'bye' as he ran to his school.

I smiled, waving back at my little brother. Drving away from the middle school and driving to my school. I saw a familiar tan trench coat on a familiar body walking on the side walk.

'Honk! Honk!' He turned, looking a bit terrified and I smiled at him from the drivers window. He slowly began to loose the look of fear on his face and gave a gentle smile. 

"Need a ride?" I asked and he nodded once.

Running to the car he slipt into the passenger seat and we locked eyes before driving off again.

"Why are you walking to school?" I asked as I kept my focus on the road.

"My sister Anna went out last night and hasn't returned home yet. My brother Gabriel and I had to walk today." He explained.

I nodded at his resonse and then reached to the back of the seat to retrieve my bag. I sat the black backpack on his lap as I searched for a pen and tore a piece of paper off of something that, hopefully, wasnt imporant. 

I could feel him watching me as I scribbled my cellphone number on te paper and handed it to him.

"Here," I threw my bag back in the back seat and handed him the paper, "if you need a ride, just text me or something and I'll gladly give you and your brother Gabriel a ride to school."

Castiel took a moment before taking the piece of paper and shoving it in his pocket.

"Thank you, Dean." He said, giving a warming smile and I swear I felt my cheeks get a little warmer.

The trip back to school was nice. We had small talk about the homework and such.

Castiel's POV

We shared a few jokes as we drove to the school.

Well, more like him telling me jokes and I just go into mini fits of laughter.

He told me a joke about Noah. 'If you need an ark to save 2 of every animal. I Noah guy,'

To most, that wouldnt be a funny joke, but coming from a religious family. it was pretty funn. 'Maybe I'll tell it to Pastor Klien on Sunday.' I thought to myself and then we arrived at the school. 

Dean and I walked into the school together and walked to our bench and sat don to talk for a while, before the bell rang.

Jo and Charlie walked to us after they had spotted us and waved.

"Hey guys!" Charlie said, he red curly like hair bouncy as she walked.

"Hey." Dean said, smling at the two.

"Hey, I saw you at my moms diner yestarday." Jo said. "I was gonna say 'Hi' but my mom had me on a leash to work.

"Oh that's pretty cool to work with your mom, tell her the pie is amazing," Dean said back. The two had conversation about the diner. Charlie and I looked back and forth between the two as they talked, then Charlie look at me.

"You are hear 20 minutes earlier than you usually come to school."

"Dean gave me a ride." I said, looking at the green eyes boy, then back at Charlie.

"Oh," She said, "well, that was nice of him."

"It was, he told me if I need a ride to school, and Gabriel, that I should just ask." I ran a hand through my bed head. "I might have to ask for. . At least maybe three times a week. Anna is leaving in a few days for college." Cas explained to the red hair girl.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop," Dean started, causing Cas to jum a bit and turn his face quickly to look at him. "But, if you need a ride everyday Cas, i'm okay with that." The dirty blonde hair boy said to me.

"A-Are you sure? I mean I-I dont wanna be to much trouble for you." I stuttered and felt my face get hot from emabrrassment. 

I heard Jo and Charlie giggling softly. But All Dean did was stare into my eyes and I did the same.

"It won't be any trouble Castiel Novak." He gave me a smile and I smiled back.

"Thank you."

Hello there, Dean.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora