Chapter 18

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When the app force closes cause it stopped working ;w; and you have to remember what you were writing ;;w;; so.. Here's the update.. It was better.. But here and enjoy my lovelies.


Cas's POV

This is so stupid.

The tears were streaking down my face, the hot tears fall out over and over.

I did all I could to wipe them away and make them stop, but they wouldn't. The feeling in my throat hurt so much, that wasn't helping me stop crying either.

Crushing this bad on a guy I barley knew was just terrible. My house was is close. I can still see Gabriel's light on. Probably playing his games or something. If he's up, he'll open the door for me.


Looking back, I can see the green eyes boy monster that broke my heart jogging towards me.

My tears began to fill up my eyes again but I tried to clean myself up quickly before he was beside me.

"Cas, what the hell man. You can't just walk off." He sounded about ready to lecture me, I wasn't in the mood for it, so I walking closer to my house again.

He grabs my wrist and I just stop to look at him, then wrist, and then back at him.

"What's wrong? Why do you seem pissed or something? Were you crying?" He kept asking questions.

"I'm fine, Dean. Just need.. Just need to go home." I yanked my hand away. "I'm dizzy and just tired, go on before your girlfriend worries where you are. You don't need to worry about someone like me Dean."

"Of course I'm gonna worry about you Cas. You're my friend, already my best friend since I've been here. And," he kept going, all I could do was just look at him, disbelief of everything he says. "Girlfriend? I don't have a girlfriend, Cas."

All I did was scuff at him and cross my arms over my chest, looking away from him. Lying to me, again.

"I knew you and Lisa had a relationship. You two always text, call, and kiss from what I've heard throughout that stupid party I never even wanted to go to. I don't go parties Dean. As you can see, i don't do any of these things. I only went to be with you." I was speaking to fast for me to realize what I was saying.

"You only to went to the party to be with me?" He repeated me but softer.

I can feel my face heating up and I just wanted to crawl under a rock to die. Maybe he didn't understand that I meant how I meant it. He'll just think of a friends thing. Yep.

"Dean, please.. I just wanna go to bed. Please." I said softly and took a few more steps back, I was close to the drive way now. I can just go inside and go to bed.

But he came closer and and took my wrists in his hands and kept my still while he pushed closet to me. He was really close, Dean's an once of two taller than I and all I could do was stand there and stare up a him. I'm sure if someone was looking at us, they can see my face glow from anywhere.

"Yes, I kissed Lisa, no she's not my girlfriend. If I was in a relationship Cas, you'd be the first person to know. I promise. And Cas," I swear he's blushing now. "I only kisser her because, I swear I saw your face and believed it was you."

"So what you're saying is that, you wanted to kiss me?" Sounding hopefully, I can feel my heart starting to beat a little faster.

"Duh!" He said with a smile and before I can make a comment back, he was pressing his lip against mine, the taste of alcohol in his mouth was terrible, but I pushed it back by just trying to enjoy the kiss.

And it was nice, really nice. I've never been kissed, this my first kiss and I'm really happy that it was with him.

We stayed pressed together, he arms around around my waist, my arms around his neck. This night was perfect.

"Castiel, come inside now."

My fathers voice was soft but also stern like, I pulled away quickly from Dean and looked at father with wide eyes.

"Father, I-I.."

"I said come inside now, Castiel. Should I repeat myself?" He said, arms behind his back, I can barley see his face.

Nodding, I just turned from Dean and hurried to my father and we walked inside.


With that, I just ran to my room upstairs and hurried into my bed.

The night was perfect, until my father stepped in.

What am I saying? I kissed Dean, the guy I am crushing on. This night is still perfect.

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