Chapter 19

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Short D: 


Cas's POV

Monday was coming around slower than what I would have liked. Only because my father took my phone and restricted for going out. Charlie, Meg and Jo could come over,  but they were all busy. So it was a lonely weekend. 

I did my best to avoid my to avoid father. Ever since Friday night when he had caught me kissing Dean, I've been hiding away, but I also think he's been avoiding me too. I try not to think it like that too much because.. He's my father.. He and Gabe, sometimes Anna, are the only family I have.

'Why couldn't you have just came out to him?' I looked down on the floor, sitting criss-crossed on the edge of the bed. 'Maybe you wouldn't have to feel this terrible feeling. You would go on of a normal day.'

Monday is just a few hours away, then I can see Dean. I'd love to talk to him about the situation. Maybe we could finally be together, test the waters of what we could be. But it's also so early in our.. relation of meeting and being together.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Cassie, dinner. Dad said to come down." Just the mentioning of father makes me feel sick, but I made a small sound for him

Yesterday I skipped dinner, I didn't want to face them, face him. Gabriel served me left over and brought them to my room, but if father says to come down, I should. I shouldn't upset him anymore.

Waiting a few minutes and a few deep breaths, I finally got up from my bed and went down stairs and joined Gabriel and father at the table, they served my plate and weren't eating. They waited for me.

Even Gabriel looked a bit uncomfortable from the silence and the blank look father had. Father sat at the head of the table, Gabriel at his left and I at his right. I pray for it to just be okay.

I sat in my seat and we all slowly began to eat, it was uncomfortably quiet. I would look at Gabriel, my plate, father and then my plate again. After the long dinner, Gabriel excused himself and went up to clean up. Anna was gone already, she would've been at my right, but she was gone. She's been looking forward to college.

"May I be excus-"

"Castiel, we need to talk." Father spoke and cleaned around his mouth with a napkin and sipped on his wine.

My heart was racing, I tried to keep a calm like expression, but honestly I just wanted to die and not have to deal with his.

"Yes, father."

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