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Dean's p.o.v

It's been almost a year since Brie has stepped in a ring. She decided to come to the show with me tonight, even though she's due any day now. I finished getting ready and looked at her.
"Don't forget that if I'm out there and you go into labor, to call either AJ, Nikki, or Paige on my phone." I tossed it to her.
"I know I know. We've been through this all day long. Don't worry I'll be fine." She reassured me. I sighed.
"Alright I gotta go. I love you." I told her a pecked her on the lips. She giggled.
"Bye." She waved goodbye and I walked to the gorilla. I sat there and my theme rang through. Me, roman and Seth went down our usual entrance. We got in the ring. Our opponents were Kane, Big Show, and Rusev.
"Boys. Be ready." I told them. I patted them on the back.
"Okay." They replied. Seth started the match against Rusev. The bell rang and the fight was on.

Brie's p.o.v

I turned on the monitor. The match was almost over obviously. Roman was in the ring with Kane. Big show and rusev were outside laying motionless. Dean was on the apron and roman tried to tag him. But before he could rusev took his feet out from under him. Dean's head smacked the apron and he laid motionless. Trainers went to check on him.
"He's barely breathing!" One of them hollered. I gasped.
"Dean!!" I shouted. I walked out of his lockeroom slowly. I got to the gorilla and walked out to see they were carrying him up the ramp on the stretcher. I slowly walked over.
"Ladies and gentleman that is dean's girlfriend Brie Bella that you see rushing to his side." I heard cole tell everyone.
"Be careful Brie!!" I heard Jerry holler. I looked at him.
"Dean!" I shouted. He slowly opened his eyes. He saw me.
"Brie. You shouldn't be out here." He told me.
"I had to make sure you were okay." I told him. One of the trainers grabbed a microphone.
"WWE Universe, don't worry about Dean Ambrose. He is fine. He is breathing normal and we just have to stitch up the gash." The trainer rid the crowd. The crowd cheered. Dean waved his hand in the air at them.
"I'm glad you're okay Dean. That would be bad if I went into lab-" I felt a pain shoot through my body. I felt something warm run down my leg. My water broke!!
"Brie?" Dean asked me. I looked at him.
"Yeah?" I asked him.
"You okay?" He questioned. Another shot of pain went through my body.
"Brie?!" He shouted. I shook my head.
"No!" I screamed grabbing my stomach. The trainers looked at me.
"The baby's coming." I whispered. The trainers held the mic in their hands.
"What?" Dean asked. I grabbed the microphone.
"I said the baby's coming!!" I bellowed.
"Oh no!" I heard Jerry, cole, Byron, and JBL shout. Another round of pain shot through me. I heard someone run down the ramp to me. I saw it was AJ, punk, Paige, and Nikki.
"Brie?!" I heard Randy scream. He picked me up bridal style.
"Sis! Don't push yet! Wait till we get to the hospital please!" Nikki pleaded to me. I cried.
"It hurts!" I yelled. We got backstage. Randy took me to an empty lockeroom.
"What are you doing?!" AJ questioned. He looked at her.
"She isn't gonna make it to the hospital. She has to give birth here!!" He told her. Nikki leaned down and grabbed my hand. I squeezed it tightly.
"Nikki. I'm scared." I told her.
"It'll be fine Brie. It'll be done before you know it." Nikki reassured me. I smiled.
"Wait, where's Dean?!" I asked
"No!! I'm not having this baby without him!!" I yelled. AJ stood up.
"I'll go find him!" She panicked and ran out the door. A few minutes passed by. She came back with Dean and Seth.
"Dean!" I hollered.
"Ahhh!!" I yelled in pain. Dean limped over.
" Brie it's okay." He told me. He grabbed my other hand. Seth kneeled down.
"Dean. Distract her so that it doesn't hurt as much. As long as she doesn't think about it she'll be fine." Seth told him. Dean nodded.
"Hey, look at this." He held up a picture of me and him on our first date.
"Do you remember that?" He asked. I smiled.
"Yeah." I told him.
"Remember how we went to the movie theater?" He asked. I nodded my head.
"What did we watch?" He questioned.
"We watched your movie." I told him.
"We did?" He asked.
"Yeah." I told him again.
"Oh." He face palmed. I laughed.
"Brie, be ready to push okay?" Seth told me.
"Okay." I replied. After a few pushes and yells, a crying baby's voice filled the room. I looked at Dean.
"It's a beautiful baby boy." Seth told us. He wrapped it in a towel. He handed him to me. I giggled.
"He looks just like you." I told Dean. He smiled widely.
"That's my baby boy!" He hollered. The baby boy looked at us and smiled. Dean laughed.
"He's a cheerful baby boy." Dean said. I laughed.
"It's little Ambrose!" AJ hollered. I smiled. I sighed and yawned.
"I'm tired." I said. Dean held the baby.
"Go ahead and sleep." Dean moves some hair out of my eyes. I closed my eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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