Drama Starts Here Chapter Fourteen

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A/N- How Is It That When You Break Up With Someone Because You Don't Have Feelings For Them Anymoree... And Your Positive That You Don't... You End Up Having Feelings For Them Again ? But Then It's Too Latee Anymoree Too Say Anythinqq Becausee He's Foundd The "Perfect" One ! No! You Can't Find A "Perfect" Onee ! No One Is Perfect ! I Know I'm Being Dramatic But It's Just... Just Soo Frutrating ! Anyways.. Comment.. Votee.. (I Admire You Voters!) Andd Rate!

:Chapter Fourteen:

::Unique's Point Of View::

"It Is Your Bedtime Mister!" I said frowning down at Danny. He pouted his lower lip. "Oh Don't give me that you know it doesn't work with me!" He smiled at me.

"You sound like my mother" He said.

"You sound like a baby" I Retorted.

"Na Na Na Na Na" He mimicked me.

"Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na!" I Retorted back.

"Very Mature"

I Turne to see Macy Smiling down at us.

"Any Reason as to why you both are acting like little kids?" She asked Picking up Danny into her arms.

"It's His Bedtime.. and he actually Thinks that The puppy dog face will actually work for him.. Which it won't" I said glaring At Danny the whole time. He stuck his tounge out at me.

"Your an awful Babysitter... " He said. "I Like that.." He added smiling, and winking at me.

"Yeah... Not gonna work out between us, Babyboy" I said smiling.

"Do You need me to take you home?"

I Shook My Head.

"No... I Called a Cab" I Lied.

"You Sure?"

I Nodded. "Positive.. So I'll See You Tmmorow" I said walking towards the door. I waved at her and she waved at me. I Shut the door behind me slowly, And started walking down the street. I Looked down at my stomach.

"Hey There Buddy! Your almost out... Just a few more months..."

Being 3 Months Pregnet was Officially Tiring... and... Exhausting. I Have another Ultrasound tommorow to actually find out the gender of the baby. And I'm Secretly Hoping it's a girl... Knowing that the father of my baby... which in this case would be Jaimee... Doesn't know he's a father yet... and I woudn't be suprised if He came yelling at me about how he wasn't told he was a father.

Oh Well.

He's getting married tommorow too, and I'm Invited, But i'm not going... Why would I go just to watch the father of my baby Be married to a girl, just because she wants her happy ending? I'm not trying to sound mean or anything but you shouldn't marry another person, No matter the cause. It's just not normal!


:::Aqua Point Of View::

"I Knew You'd Come" He said grabbing a lock of my hair. I Turned My head away from his grubby hands.

"Yeah, More like forced here" I said looking at the two bodyguards holding my upper arms. I Glared at them.

My Mom had told me she had gone out, by a note on the refrigerator. So, I Was in my room, on my laptop, totally oblivious to the world when a my door was knocked down by these two men... and I was dragged here... Blindfolded If I may add.

"We Had a deal"

"No. You Had a deal!"

He brought his face closer to mine. I welled up the most mucus I could and spit it in his face. He backed away laughing at me, Before a hand collided with my cheek. A Gasp escaped my lips as he grabbed me and threw me down on the floor.

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