Drama Starts Here Chapter Eleven

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*** Heyy I Decided Something New.. I'm Going To Write The StOry In Episodes... Like If It Were a T.v Show.. But I'm Not Going to Write it In Dialouge. Anyways.. EnjOy..***


::::EpisOde 1::::

InfO: Unqiue Decides On What To Do With The Baby.. Meeting Someone Knew In The Process; Carla Seeks Revenge.


Unique Put On Her Hoodie and Bolted through The Door. She Got In Macy's Car and Shut The door Behind Her as Macy Took Off. Macy Turned To Her... Smiling weakly. Unqiue Looked Out the window trying not to Meet Her Best friend's Gaze.

"You Can't Hide forever, from the truth" Macy said.. turning back to the road. Unqiue swallowed hard.

"That's the worst part..." She said.

" It's Going To Show..." Macy said.

"I Know.." She said.

"He's Going To Find Out" Macy Said.

"But.. It Dosn't matter!" Unqiue yelled. She turned in her seat to Look at Macy. " Carla Won the Fight.. It's Over!.. She Won Him! " Unique Yelled. Macy Flinched.

"Calm Down.. Your Going To hurt Yourself And The baby' Macy said. Unique Slumped down On Her Chair.

"Like It Matters" She Mumbled. Macy shook her head and Pulled into The School Parking lot.

"It Does Matter.. That baby is A Human!" Macy yelled.

"One That Brings Pain!" Unqiue yelled. Macy Turned Off The Engine and Got Out. Unqiue Got Out and Went In The School. Earning Looks From Everybody In The Process. The days Have Been Like This.. She Hadn't Minded. She Made Her way to her Locker. And Opened It Up. She Took Out her Drama Book and Closed The door. Sighing Deeply. She Turned To her left to See Carla Hugging Jaimee And Giggling. She Pressed Her forehead to the cold metal of her locker. Something Had To Give.


:::::Jaimee's Point Of View:::::::

I Made My Way to Carla's House. Stupid Bitch of A Mom That i Have! I Pulled Up too Her Driveway and Carla Came Out immediatley, getting Into the Car. I Was On the Road In No time.

"Hey babe" She said Smiling flirtily. (Not sure if thats a road Lol)

"Hi" I Responded not wanting to face her. Suddenly She Grabbed my chin and turned me towards her. The car swerved a bit. and I Pulled my attention back to the road slapping her hand away. "Don't Touch me.. You Know As i Do.. That I Don't Want Any Part of This" I said.

"Oh C.Mon baby.. Don't Be Like That.. You Remember How Everything Went before.. Beforee She Came Into the room" She said.

"Yeah.. before i Realised how Much she meant to me.. Now Instead of being With her.. I'm Stuck With a Fucking Bitch" I said Sighing deeply. She made a sound.

"What do You See In Her?!" She Snapped.

"Alot More Than I See In You, That's For Sure" I said.

"Gee Thankyou for Being So.. Soo.. Decent" She said, Sarcasm Dripping Off Her Voice

"Your Welcome" I said, Pulling Into The School Parking Lot. I Turned offf The Engine and Got Out.

"Baby. Wait!" It Was a matter of seconds before i felt her arms around my neck. I Carefully slid them off.

"Don't Touch me.. and My name is Jaimee, As Your name is Carla" I said. I Walked off Into The building towards My Locker.. Damn.. My Mother is A fucking Cheap whore.. Did You Know She Was A prostitute? Yeahh.. I Didn't Think So Either.. Apparently.. She Bought Crala's Love with Money.. now I have too Marry her.. i Shook My head too wipe the thoughts away. It Was koments Later that I Turned and saw Unique Enter the building with a Hoodie on Her head. My Heart ached.. i wanted to go Over there and Comfort her. I saw her take Out a Book.

Carla Walked Over to me again and Wrapped Her arms around Me. I Let her.. If I Coudn't Have The Girl I Love.. What was The Point of Caring Anymore?


::::::::Carla's Point Of View:::::::::::

That Bitch Thinks She Can get away with it. Over My Dead Body. I Wrapped My Arms around him, Seeing as She Looked Over at Me at the time I Did so. I Smiled to Myself. I Was Surely Suprised he had relaxed into the Hug. If not.. This Scene Hadn't Resulted the Way ii Wanted it too.. and We Both Know That Woudn't have looked good. She Turned away and Leaned against her locker, I watched as her lips moved, But no sound came out, Before she turned around and Walked to her class.

Jaimee Pulled away from me. I Smiled at Him carresing His Face. He Brought his hand up and brought my hand down, interwineing His fingers with mine.

"That was No Pass for you to gain access to me" He said Bitterly Before turning On His Heel and Walked away. I Looked at My blue fingernails.

He Won't have me now.. he'll Have me the Hard Way.

:::::::::Unique Point Of View::::::::::

I Made My Way Downn The Hall With My Head Down. The Rest Of the day Was A blur from wat i Can Tell. I Waited for macy Outside and When She Did Come out.. She Didn't Look happy. She Unlocked The car and i Got in. She Started driving Almost immediatley.

"What's Wrong?" I asked. Shee Shook her Head. A Single Tear fell down her face. She Didn't Look Like The Macy I Knew.. She Took A Wrong Turn. "Where are we going?" i asked. She Kept Going and Pulled into the driveway Of A White Mansion.

"Get Out.. I Want You To Meet Someone" She said. She Grabbed her purse and got out of the car... I Followed after her silently. We Walked up to the door in Silence and She Knocked On the door. A Young Woman Opened The door and Smiled Warmly at macy.

"Macy! Your here.." She Looked down Towards me.. "And You brought a Friend.." She said. She Turned behind Her. "Danny!" She yelled. A Little Boy About 8 Years Old Came Running and Hugged Macy around the Legs.

"Mommy! Your Here!" He yelled.


Macy turned towards me and Smiled a tear running down her face as she Hugged Her Little Boy.

"Your Not The only One With A Kid, Unique.. I have One.. And My Life's not Over yet.. "She said. She bent Down And Smiled at her child before Lifting him Up into her arms.

Macy had A child...

****Hahaha.. Soryy. I Hadd Too Add her Drammaa!! Lmaoo... Hensee Dahh titlee Anywayss... Cooment.. rate.. Vote! One click Comee Onn!! Lmaoo**

On The Next Episode:

"What is wrong With You?!" Jaimee Asked.

"What is wrong With me? You can't find Out?! You Are getting Married!" I Yelled.

"Unique.. I Love You.." He Said.

"Yeahh.. You Sure Have a Nice Way Of demonstrating it." I said.

"My Parents made Me Marry her Beacuase She's About Too Die... She Has cancer, Unique.. "


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