Drama Starts Here Chapter Ten

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*** Thiis Is Interesting.. I Decided Too Add Moree Bizzare Parts Just To Make It MORE Interesting***


"Let's Go Somewhere" He Said.

"Where?" I Asked



Chapter 10.

"Why?" I Asked.

"Too Have Fun.. Get Your Mind Off Of Things.. It'll Be Fun! Promise" He Said. I Looked Indecisive For A few Minutes.

"Fine" I Said Finnaly. He Smiled And Wrapped an Arm Around My Waist.

"Let's Go." He said.

"But Where Are We Staying?" I Asked Walking Towards His Car.

"Hotel" He said.

"Right" I Said Stupidly.






We Arrived 5 Hours Later. The Casino Looked Beautiful. There were all sorts of people, Black, white, yellow, green, red. (You Know what i Mean!). Jaimee Walked Over to a Lady In The Desk. And Talked To Her and Handed Her a slip Of Paper. He Grabbed My hand and Led me Into the Elavator and Up To The Hotel Room.

"Get Dressed, We're Going Somewhere..." Jaimee Said. I Smiled.

"Where?" I Asked.

"Just Know That This Will Be.. something you won't forget" Jaimee said.

"Okay.." I Breathed.


Later On..

We Were Walking Hand In Hand Towards a Little Opening under the Moonlight. When we reached it he Spun Me arOund and Placed a hand on My Waist and I Wrapped my arms around his neck and we swayed to the soft Music in the backround.

"You Look Beautiful Today and You Always Will" He said.

"Thanks.." I Said Blushing.

"I Have Something to tell you... But Please.. Whatever happens i need You to Bear with me" he said.

"It Cant be That Bad.. Can it?" I Asked Smirking. He stayed Quiet and looked down at the floor. My Smile faded. "Jaimee?' I asked. He looked up at me. I Saw Tears brimming his eyes. "What's Going on?" i asked. He shook his head and looked down at the floor again.

"Nothing..Sorry.. It's My Allergies.. Stupid Pollen" He said Chuckling.. But it Didnt dound like his Usual One.

"Your Scaring Me.." I said.

"Just Enjoy Tonight.. Shall We?" He asked. He looked back up again and this time, his Face was Perfectly Composed. I Nodded Biting my Bottom Lip.

"Yeah.. enjoy Tonight.." I Repeated. He Leaned in to Kiss Me.. But when he did.. it Was As If he was Saying Goodbye.. I Didn't want to say goodbye..

**** *********************************************************************************** ****************

He Stopped The Car In Front of my house and Turned to me. His Fac showed no Emotion.

"I have Something to say.." He said. My Smile dropped.

"You've Been acting wierd since yesterday.. What's wrong with you?.. Please tell Me.." I Said.

"Unique... I'm.. I'm.. I'm Getting Married" He said Looking ahead. At That Samme Moment I felt My Heart break... i Thought i heard it crack as well. Tears brimmed my eyes.

"Your What?" I asked.

"I'm getting Married.." He Repeated.

"With Who?!" I Nearly Yelled.

"My Parents.. They want me too.. i Have no say" He said. The Tears fell down.

"Who Is She?!" I Yelled.

"Carla.." He Breathed.

"I Should've Guessed This.." I said. I Turned towards my window opening The car door. I Got out and so did he. He Blocked my way from stepping inside my house.

"Unique.. I had no say! I Have to!" he said.

"I Knew Your Promise was too good to be true..! I Can't beleive this shit!" I Yelled I Shoved him.

"Unique.. Please.. Listen" He said.

"No.. All I Ever did was Listen.. I Think It's Time for Me To Not.. Don't You Think?" I Asked. I Pushed past him again, but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"If I could reverse Time.. I Would" He said. His eyes burning into mine.

"Too Late.. For That Now.. Don't You Think?" I said Before Pulling away from him.

****2 Months Later****

I Stood In My Bathroom With a Pregnancy test In My hand. My Hands Shook As I Set It down on the counter.. I Sat Down waiting for the reply. I Sat Down On the edge of My Bathtub.

What if It's Postive?

He's getting Married In 4 Months..

Why Me?

Am I Ready To be A Mother?

Are You Unqiue?


Help Me..

Tears Brimmed My Eyes. Finally, The Stick Made a Sound and I Walked Over to it slowly...










*** AuthOrs Note: I Knowww Uu Guys Maybee Hate Mee So Bhadd 04 This Chapter.. Buhh Its Coming To End.. Buht... Whatever Happens.. It'll be Okay..***


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