||Chapter 7||

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"Dammit where are my keys?"  you searched your pockets. After making sure you were alright and interrogating you the police officer drove you home and you now stood outside your door searching for your keys. Shortly you gave up and knocked. Moments later the door flew open and Skylar swiftly pulled you inside.

"Oh my god are you okay? Did you anyone hurt you? I'm so sorry it was all my fault. It was on the news and I knew you were in there and oh my god are you okay? Tell me you'r-" "I'm fine Skylar," you squeezed yourself out of her bone crushing hug.

"Are you sure you're fine? You could've fucking died, and then I'd be all alone and you'd never know that I ate the last waffle yesterday or that I lost your Harry Potter beanie or that-" you cut her rambling off again,"Shut up Sky, I'm okay, trust me."

You walked down the hallway to your room before she could talk again. You flung yourself on your bed and tried to process what the hell happened. You played maybe 200 rounds of cards, lost your phone, and listened to the life story of a criminal all in one day. Not to mention, you kissed Gerard again. Why did he kiss me? and why I kiss back? this question kept playing through your head as you lay there. It was just in the moment. You decided that answer would suffice for now. 

You sat up quickly then bolted to your desk and pressed the little power symbol on your laptop. You went to google search and typed in, Mikey Way. About 13,100,000 results (0.46 seconds) well fuck. You scrolled through the results. Michael "Mikey" Way, Lawyer, Mikey Way Yahoo search, Mckayla "Mikey" Way Instagram, Mikey Way therapist.... You slammed your laptop shut. There were millions of people nicknamed Mikey and what kind of last name is Way? For all you know it could be fake. It doesn't even matter. You thought, He can find his own brother.  you drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

"Wake up shitface, you have work in an hour," you felt your warm blankets torn off you. "For fucks sake I was just in a robbery, call them for me and tell them that, that's definitely a good enough reason to not show up." 

"Already did."

 "And...?" You squinted your eyes at Skylar.

She cleared her throat and tried to imitate your manager, Greg's, voice. "Tell, Y/N to get their lil ass over here in an hour or I swear to god I'll make sure they get a pink slip."

"How rude."

"My thoughts exactly, now get up I made too much coffee," Skylar walked out of your room, carrying your sheets.

You groaned and sat up in bed, Mornings should be illegal, you thought. You slumped over to your bathroom and took in your appearance, your eyeliner was smudged and your hair looked like a bush. You quickly removed all your makeup and tried to redo it as quick as possible then brushed your messy hair.

"Y/N, there a package thing for you," Skylar called to you. You grabbed your purse and jogged to the kitchen where a small box about the size of your hand, sat on the table. "I just found it outside out door with your name on it," She explained to you.

You grabbed the package and shoved it in your bag. "Thanks, bye." You glanced at the clock on your way through the door, 9:48, two minutes to catch the bus.

You flew  down the stairs of your apartment and ran to the bus stop moments before it arrived. You stared at the backs of heads of everyone getting on and off. Then got on and showed your pass to the driver who nodded as you went to your usual seat near the back. You pulled out your headphones but remembered that you didn't have your phone. A man sat next to you and you avoided possible awkward eye contact by scooting over a sit and ignoring him. You stuffed the headphones back in and your hand bumped into the box from earlier, who would be sending me a package? you thought as you pulled it out.

Messily scrawled in the corner was your name, you didn't recognize the handwriting at all. The box had a simple lid which you lifted, My phone?  you flipped the box over and you phone fell into your hand along with a card. A playing card. An ace of spades?

"Oh so you did get my package, that's great."

A/N: Hello, It's me. Yes I'm back and I'm going to start updating again. Thank you all for your patience.



My Soulmates A Killer (Criminal!Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now