||Chapter 16||

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A/N: Holy shit I'm an asshole.

Hey everyone I'm alive. I can barely express how sorry I am for not updating since forever. I wasn't prepared for the weight of school work that high school can give and I could barely find time for all my usual hobbies. I tried to write, but never was satisfied with the aftermath and I don't wanna post shit content.

Also there's another thing I'd like to address. In the last chapter I got many comments along the lines of "Don't draw me, I'm hideous." I just want you all to know that you're beautiful, inside and out. You may not like your outer appearance, but that doesn't mean others don't. It pains me to hear people say such things about themselves. I was always taught that everyone is gorgeous. I understand that some of you may have commented this as a joke, but I just want anyone who believes they're not pretty, to know that you are beautiful, you are loved and no one can ever hurt you unless you let them. Don't be your own biggest critic, be your own biggest fan. You are beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different.

I love you all very much now enjoy ~ヾ(^∇^)



Summary of last chapter: You and Gerard get Italian foods then drive for many hours.

"I- I can't, no, I won't," you huffed.

"Bullshit." Gerard crossed his arms.

"Why can't you?"

"Because I'm a fucking wanted man! Now go before I make you."

You groaned and climbed out of the car. You'd spent the past few minutes childishly bickering with Gerard about who would reserve the hotel room. In the end, you went. Normally you wouldn't make such a fuss over such a small thing, but being in a car with someone for, who knows how long, was putting you on the edge of your seat.

You walked up to the front desk, where a man greeted you with a fake smile.

"Um, can I get a room?" you asked.

The man nodded his head in reply, "Can I see an ID?"

"Yeah um, one sec." You dug through your wallet and gave him the fake ID Gerard gave you. You could use your real ID, but what harm was it?

He had you sign something, pay, then gave you a key card.

"Room 394, it's on the 7th floor. Have a nice day!" he chirped then went back to his business.

You walked to the elevator while dialing Gerard.

" 'ello," Gerard answered as you selected the 7th floor.

"Hey we're in room 394 on the 7th floor, I'll meet you there. Don't forget my bag." you swiftly told him then hung up.

After arriving to your floor, you were searching for your room for a few minutes, until you spotted a certain red head leaning against a door.

"How is it that I just got here and I've found the room before you?" Gerard sent you his famous smirk.

You let out a sigh then shoved Gerard out of the way, so you could open the door.

The room was very simple. A queen sized bed with light grey covers was in the center of the room. On both sides of it were small tables holding lamps. Across from the bed was a velvety, navy blue couch. And directly to your right was a bathroom.

Gerard saw the single bed and make no comment of distress about.

"I'll take the couch," he said casually and threw his bag onto couch.

My Soulmates A Killer (Criminal!Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now