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Ahah... sorry you all thought this was an update, I just have some news.

Due to some reviews I have recieved, I reluctantly realized that most of my characters were well... out of character so...

Im going to do a full editing. THATS RIGHT.

Over my current hiatus, (7 momths so far, 2 more to go) I have been thinking about what i can edit, and I swear it will be so much better.

I will publish a chapter X on March. Chapter X is about how Calypso was able to change Slade's hard facade... How she became his niece and how she came to love her.

So, I will edit the previous chapters, making the characters more like themselves.

So the plot wont change, but dialogue and character will. Just dont be surprised if Slade gets less touchy or Dick gets less flirty... you have to read all of my 13 edited chapters.

Guys, I hope you support this change as it will help me become a better fanfiction writer.

Im sorry for the out of character bull and etc... Ill make it up and I swear, Bird by The Window will be so much better than before after I edit it and continue publishing more chapters. Dont worry, chapters will still be as long as before, but with more sense and less sketchy. I will improve all of these things, just give me time.

I just want to say thanks for the reads, I'll tell you guys latee on on which chapters I have edited and I hope you read them again, as a better version.

Okay, poll time. (Chapter X is happening anyway)

Comment if a.) You want to read an edited one b.) Keep it as it is or c.) Make an entirely different version, the same book but edited and if you'll read it.

Comment what you think and see you all on March!

Bird by the Window (Young Justice)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora