Chapter 3: Invincible Warriors

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Naruto dreamed of his parents' deaths. Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki died the night that Naruto was born. Kushina was the jinchuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox, Kurama, before Naruto. On the night that he was born, the masked ninja posing as Madara Uchiha released Kurama upon the Hidden Leaf Village. In a desperate effort to save the village, and his son, Minato sealed Kurama inside of Naruto. But in doing so, he and Kushina were struck down by Kurama.

Suddenly, the scene shifted. He was standing in front of Kurama, who was now his friend. But he was different. Instead of his normal orange fur, Kurama had a much grayer coat.

"Hey, Kurama. What's wrong with you?" Naruto asked.

"I'm fading, Naruto. The next time you need me, I may fail you..." Kurama said in his deep, growling voice.

"What are you talking about?" Suddenly, the room started rumbling, shaking.

"Naruto!" Kurama screamed. "You have to wake up now! Wake up!... wake up..."

"WAKE UP!" Hinata screamed, shaking him awake. Naruto awoke with a start.

"What is it? What's going on Hinata?" Naruto said, noticing the apartments shaking.

"There's fighting outside!" She shouted, as the wall next to them was suddenly blown to splinters. Naruto picked up Hinata and dashed out onto the porch.

"Are you alright Hinata?"

"I'm okay. Thank you, Naruto," she responded, and then gasped. They got their first look at the village.

The Village Hidden in the Leaves was a war zone. Fires were raging, citizens ran through the streets, and leaf ninja's were fighting with others. Naruto couldn't see any headbands, so it was unlikely that they belonged to a village.

"My god... It hasn't been this bad since Pain..." Naruto remembered the day that the Six Paths of Pain attacked the village. Tendo Pain was even able to destroy the entire village with one jutsu. "I won't let this happen again!" Naruto shouted. He dashed inside and retrieved his gear.

He strapped his kunai sheath to his thigh and his shuriken pouch to his belt. He wrapped his headband around his forehead and zipped up his jacket. "Wait here, okay? I'll be back soon, I promise."

Hinata was reluctant to agree, but she nodded. She wrapped her arms around him and planted a kiss on his lips. "Be safe."

"Hey, it's me we're talkin about!" He shouted, leaping backwards into the fray, his trademark goofy grin on. Hinata couldn't help but smile. That's the face I fell in love with...

Naruto dashed across the rooftops. If I'm gonna die anyways, I might as well save the village... Again! He charged up a rasengan and slammed into one of the enemies. "Take this!"

The ninja was sent flying backwards, crashing through a building. Suddenly, three more of them were surrounding Naruto. All three of them looked identical to the last one he had just pummeled. They must be cloned of some kind. They all did the same two hand signs in unison. "Fire style: searing migraine!" Walls of fire shot at Naruto from all sides. He quickly leaped into the air. Then, he activated his trademark jutsu.

"Shadow clone jutsu!" He shouted, and two clones appeared with a puff of smoke. Each of them formed a large rasengan in their palms, and attacked the three ninja's. "Sage art: rasengan barrage!" The three clones were hit in their backs with the rasengan a, and crumbled to the ground. Naruto's clones disappeared, and the original examined his kill. His back was scarred from the rasengan.

Suddenly, it's eyes opened, and it grabbed Naruto by the throat, lifting him up into the air. "What the hell are you?" He managed to choke out. The clone stood expressionless, squeezing Naruto's throat tight. Then, out of nowhere, Naruto heard a familiar sound. It sounded like a thousand birds chirping in unison.

"Chidori!" Sasuke shouted, and he thrust his arm straight through the clone's heart. It shuddered for a moment, and then dropped Naruto. "Whaddaya no, I can still use the chidori. Naruto, you really are a loser if you let this weakling choke you out." Sasuke teased.

"You don't get it. He got blasted with my rasengan and got up like it was nothing. I think you might've hit its weak spot."

"Excuses, excuses..." Suddenly, the clone melted around Sasuke's arm, turning into a white goop. "Ew!" Sasuke shouted, wiping his arm on his pant leg.

"Weird... They're almost like white Zetsu," Naruto said, sticking his fingers in the goop. "Is Sakura okay? You came from there, right?"

"She's fine. She's with that Sai guy, fighting off a handful of these things. Any idea on whose behind this?"

"I'm not sure. Madara was the only one who knew how to make white Zetsu's, and we awake Black Zetsu away with Kaguya. I have no idea who could've-"

"I'm gonna wager it's that ominous, black clad guy up on the water tower," Sasuke said, pointing across the street. Naruto followed his gaze. The man was standing on the tip of the tower. He had a red and black cloak flowing in the wind, with a dark red robe and a black undershirt. Naruto couldn't see much under his hood, but he thought he saw a red mask.

"I'll take that bet. Let's go!" Naruto shouted, just as the other two clones got up from the ground. Naruto glanced at Sasuke. He parted his bangs, revealing his left eye. The swirling rinnegan was Sasuke's greatest asset. It was the fully evolved form of the sharingan.

"You go on ahead! I'll take these two!" Sasuke shouted. Naruto nodded, and leaped across the street. Before he could reach the man, however, he leaped down from the tower and dashed away.

"You're not gettin' away!" Naruto shouted, chasing after him.

Meanwhile, two more clones had surrounded Sasuke. He agtivated both his rinnegan and his mangekyou sharingan. He pulled out his katana, and with his free hand, he made the signs for the chidori. The blue lightning style chakra surged down the blade of the katana. "Chidori blade!" He shouted, dashing forward and stabbing one clone through the heart.

As it melted, another clone did three hand signs. "Earth style: mud wall!" It shouted, sending a column of stone straight at Sasuke's head.

Sasuke ducked, pulling out his sword. "Amaterasu!" He shouted. His right eye twitched, and black flames erupted all over the clone's body. Then, he sheathed his katana and made six hand signs. Fire style: fireball jutsu! He inhaled deeply, and exhaled a wall of flame, burning another clone to bits. One more.

He turned to the last clone, grinning. "Are you ready?" He teased, forming a chidori in his left hand. The clone turned to retreat, but Sasuke was ready. He thrust out his hand, and a stream of lightning shot out and pierced the clone's heart. Sasuke grinned, tucking away his rinnegan. Suck it.

Naruto finally caught up to the masked man at the Hokage statue. He was still, glaring at Naruto on top of his father's head. Naruto dashed forward, his fist ready for a punch, when the man suddenly spoke in a soft yet menacing voice. "That's enough," he said, thrusting out his hand.

Naruto stopped in mid air, frozen in place. This guy's holding me somehow! "Who are you? What do you want?"

"What do I want? Well, that is the question, isn't it... I guess, all I really want is... Anarchy," he responded, laughing an insane laugh.

Naruto struggled to get free of his invisible restraints. "What? What kind of person are you? You bastard!" He shouted, shuddering. Hike started getting movement in his arm again, and brought it down to his side.

"Oooooo... You are an interesting specimen, aren't you? You know what, I don't think I'll destroy you today. Tell you what, come find me if you're looking for a good fight." He dropped Naruto, who plummeted to the ground. He saw the masked man peering over the cliff. "I'll be waiting for you, Naruto!" He shouted, and then he was gone.

Naruto his the ground hard. How does he know my name? He thought. Suddenly, he felt the chakras of dozens of clones disappear. Soon, all of them were gone. They must've all melted when he left...

Sasuke appeared at his side, helping him stand up. "Who the hell was that guy?" He asked, puzzled.

"... A monster..."

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