Chapter 14: The Power of the Rinnegan

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Hinata dropped to her knees at his side just as Naruto crumbled to the floor, in his puddle of blood. "Naruto!" She called, rolling him over onto his back. His chakra is fading fast... "Sakura!" She screamed, tears flooding her vision.

Sakura appeared, moving Hinata out of the way. Suddenly, Naruto started convulsing, blood spattering from his mouth. "Keep him still!" Sakura shouted, blue chakra surrounding her hands. Hinata and Sasuke held his arms down as he wailed in agony, tears and blood staining his face. "What the hell happened to you?!" Sakura called, slicing open his shirt to reveal the black veins.

"P-p-poison..." Naruto stuttered, his seizing finally stopped.

"What?!" Hinata shrieked.

"When did this happen?!" Sakura called, pressing into Naruto's heart with her medical chakra.

"On your last mission, he-" Sasuke said, closing his eyes.

"You knew?! Why didn't you tell us?!" Sakura shrieked, glaring at Sasuke.

"I found out! He made me promise not to say anything..."

"Why didn't he tell us?!"

"D-didn't want... W-w-worry..." Naruto stuttered, his face loosing color. Hinata shushed him, supporting his head with her legs, striking his hair.

"It's okay... Sakura's going to fix you... Right?" Hinata asked, her eyes darting to Sakura.

Sakura hesitated, Andy her heart sank. "My... My medical jutsu isn't working..."

"What?! No!" Hinata shrieked, the tears overflowing in her eyes. Sakura started sobbing, concentrating all of her chakra into Naruto's heart.

"C'mon, you dummy! You're not going out like this! I won't let you!" Sakura exclaimed, but it was no use. Eventually, she just lifted her hands off and stopped, bringing her hands to her face.

"What are you doing?! Don't stop!" Hinata called, feeling Naruto's chakra on the brink.

"There's nothing that medical ninjutsu can do for him now..." Sasuke said as Sakura leaned into him, sobbing into his shoulder.

"No... No no no no no!" Hinata cried. She looked into Naruto's bright blue eyes. But instead of sadness or fear, she saw only happiness. He reached up slowly ad caressed her face, wiping blood down her cheek. She placed her hand on top of his, holding it firmly. "Please... Don't go..."

"It's ok-k-kay, Hinata..."

"No it's not!" She cried, the tears dripping onto his face. "I love you... And I need you..." She pleaded. Naruto coughed again, a trickle of blood splattering on his chest. "Please... You need to stay... For me... And for our child..."

Naruto's face softened, tears trickling down his face. "R-really?" He asked, nothing but pure happiness in his voice. Hinata nodded, and Naruto grinned. "Ya h-h-hear that w-world? I'm a d-d-daddy... Believe it..." Suddenly, the room grew silent, and Naruto's blue eyes faded. His hand dropped from Hinata's face, laying still on the ground.

"No... Naruto!" Hinata cried, begging him to come back. Sakura turned away, and even Sasuke let a few tears slip. Hinata shook her lifeless boyfriend, trying to make him wake up, but to no avail. She weeped, finally resting her head on his chest.

She's pregnant...

"He still has that grin on..." Sakura said, mid sob. "You always did make him smile, Hinata..."

Hinata looked at his face, covered in blood and tears. And he was smiling.

She needs him...

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