Chapter 4: The Return of Team 7

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"And then he grabbed me with his mind, and then he vanished!" Naruto exclaimed. He, Sasuke, and Sakura were giving Intel to Kakashi, who was troubled by the attack from the night before.

"What do you mean he grabbed you with his mind?" Kakashi asked, tapping his fingers on his desk.

"I was in the air, easily ten feet away, and he swiped at the air, and I was just frozen in mid air. I could barely move," Naruto replied, troubling Kakashi.

Kakashi closed his eyes tight. It can't be...

"Do you have any idea who this guy could be, Kakashi sensei?" Naruto asked.

Kakashi sighed. "There's a possibility that he could be from the Kabuki clan..."

"The kabu-what?" Naruto asked, making the other two face palm.

"The Kabuki clan was a special breed of ninja from the time of Madara Uchiha," Kakashi responded, ignoring Naruto's stupidity. "They possessed a special Kekei Genkai which let them manipulate their chakra with their minds."

"Wow," Sakura exclaimed in disbelief. "That must be one incredible jutsu."

"It's not a jutsu," Kakashi said, his voice trembling. "It's telekinesis."

"Um, Kakashi sensei... What does telekinesis mean again?" Naruto asked. Sakura wound up and smashed his head with her fist, sending him crashing to the ground.

"You really are an idiot, aren't you!" She shouted, before regaining her composure.

"What the hell?! I'm a fighter, not a scholar!" Naruto shouted back, rubbing the bump on his head.

Kakashi chuckled. "Okay, okay. That's enough. If this ninja is a member of the Kabuki clan, then the entire world could be in trouble. From what Naruto told me, all he wants is to cause anarchy. If he has the telekinesis Kekei Genkai, as well as an army of nearly indestructible soldiers, then he could pose a serious threat."

"He doesn't seem like that big of a deal," Sasuke said, rolling his eyes. "How much damage could he really do with that mind trick thing?"

"You don't understand," Kakashi replied. "The Kabuki's Kekei Genkai is known as one of the most powerful Kekei Genkai's in existence. A fully mastered one was known to rival even the powers of Madara Uchiha himself." Naruto gulped, rubbing his neck nervously.

"So, what do we do?" Sasuke asked, crossing his arms.

"I'm putting you three on a mission. You're the finest Shinobi we have to offer. You will find this masked ninja and stop him, no matter the cost. We have no idea what he could be planning."

Sasuke glanced at Naruto, and saw the fear in his eyes. Naruto had only five days left, including this one. At best. It could even be shorter than that. He stepped forward. "Kakashi, I don't know if Naruto is fit for-"

"Be quiet, Sasuke," Naruto said, cutting him off. "I'm fine. I don't need you to make any excuses for me."

"Naruto, what's Sasuke talking about?" Sakura asked, a concerned look on her face. Sasuke stared at them. He hasn't told anyone...

"It's nothing, Sakura," Naruto replied, his goofy grin in full extent. "One of those clone thingy's just rugged me up a little last night."

Kakashi could tell he was lying, but ignored it. "We know that he's somewhere hidden in the land of fire. He couldn't have gotten far from here in such a short amount of time. Do you have any final requests?"

Again, Sasuke stepped forward. "I request that Hinata Hyuga join the mission," he said, surprising everyone. "Her byakugan could prove useful in tracking the enemy. She knows the chakra signature of the clone's he used."

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