Chapter 12: The Ultimate Tag-Team

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Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura suddenly appeared in a dark chamber, lit by several torches. Once Naruto's eyes adjusted to the lack of light, he saw Hinata, chained to the far wall. A woman stood beside her, and she possessed the same sharingan as Maseo. Who is that? Naruto thought, as he'd never seen her before.

Naruto wanted to run to Hinata and unbind her, but he'd have to get past Maseo first. He was the only way out of the kamui. "So, are we gonna do this or not?!" He shouted, his nostrils flaring.

Sasuke glanced over at Naruto. Even if we win, he's going to die anyways... Sasuke smiled, and returned his glare to Maseo. He unsheathed his katana, his right eye becoming a mangekyou sharingan. "You're an idiot and I love it, Naruto. Try not to give out just yet!" The pair grinned at Maseo. This was their first team up since fighting with Madara and Obito.

Maseo began chuckling, his maniacal grin spreading across his face. "I'm gonna enjoy this!" He dashed forward, his arms flailing behind him.

"Naruto! Remember his weakness!" Sasuke shouted, forming a chidori blade and dashing into Maseo.

"Right!" Naruto shouted. He can't handle more than two consecutive attacks... He brought his hands together into a hand sign. "Shadow clone jutsu!" A clone appeared in a cloud of smoke, and began forming a rasen-shuriken.

"Chidori!" Sasuke shouted, slashing out at Maseo. Maseo blocked each strike with his telekinesis, the fight taking them all around the room.

"Wind style: rasen-shuriken!" The clone hurled the large chakra wave, spinning directly into Maseo's shield.

"Is that the best you can do?!" He shouted, just as Naruto appeared in front of him, a rasengan in each hand. Maseo gasped, reaching up to block, but it was too late.

"Rasengan barrage!" He slammed the rasengans into Maseo, sending him flying back. He did three back flips, and landed on his feet, a small stream of blood pouring from his mouth.

Maseo started laughing. "This is fun!" He shouted, and thrust both of his hands out, freezing Naruto and Sasuke. With a pulling motion, Naruto and Sasuke surged forward to Maseo. Maseo lunged, extending his arms and clothes-lining the two.

Naruto skidded to a stop at the wall. Sasuke recovered quickly, weaving five hand signs. Fire style: Phoenix flower jutsu! Sasuke blasted a wave of fireballs from his mouth. Maseo took to the air, dodging and deflecting them with telekinesis.

He stopped moving in mid air, and his sharingan suddenly twitched. "Amaterasu!" He shouted, and a stream of black flames erupted from his eye.

Two can play at that game! "Amaterasu!" Sasuke shouted, a wave of his own black flames erupting from his sharingan. The two waves collided, battling for control. Suddenly, Sasuke's eye began to bleed. "He's... Too strong..."

"Now die!" The wave of black flames overcame Sasuke's, surging down on top of him.

"Look out!" Naruto shouted, tackling Sasuke out of the way.

"Naruto!" Hinata wailed, tears pouring down her face. Suddenly, she saw them emerge from the flames. Sasuke was fine, but Naruto's jacket and scarf were on fire.

Dammit! No choice then... Naruto peeled off his jacket, ridding himself of the flames. He cut the flaming end of his scarf off, and tucked it away in his shuriken pouch. Now, his only defense was his sleeveless under armor shirt. His veins were now fully exposed.

Hinata gasped at the sight of them. What is that? Are those... Veins? How didn't I notice them before?!

Sakura was surprised as well. "What the hell... Naruto..."

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