Jimmy Ch4

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I smiled as we all left the restaurant for a little walk back to the bus. Jimmy was holding my hand as we walked side by side. Johnny and Ali were a head of us so Jimmy kept kicking Johnny's shoes and he'd glare back until Ali would smile at him making him calm down. "I love you Johnny." She said and I tensed.. Jimmy hadn't gotten an answer from me and I still wasn't sure if I loved him or not.

Matt and Britt were on our right while Syn and Gwen were to our left. We were like a flock of birds! Zacky was behind us talking to Stacy, Zacky was holding Steph and Stacy was holding Brie. "I love you too honey." Johnny said kissing her cheek. I looked at Jimmy.. he was frowning at the ground so I looked away.. maybe he didn't even remember earlier..

"Then you better show me later." She said quietly but we all heard her. Jimmy's hand wasn't holding mine anymore so I let it slip from his and crossed my arms. I wasn't sure of anything anymore.. 

"You know I will." He leaned into her holding her waist and I felt myself walk further away from Jimmy. My heart felt like someone was squeezing it.. I wanted to make him forget about this morning and go back to what we had before. 

"Shut up you two, we can hear you." Zacky yelled from behind us and I smiled at least I wouldn't have to listen to them anymore. Jimmy began kicking Johnny's shoes again. 

"Oh grow up Zacky!" Ali said laughing. Johnny stopped making Jimmy bump into his back. I laughed as Jimmy lifted him over his shoulder. His eyes shot to me and we kind of stared for a second before he dropped Johnny and grabbed me tossing me across his shoulder. 

"Jimmy!" I yelled as he began running and before I knew it we were to far away to see the rest and he was laughing. "Jimmy what are you doing?" He was slowing down but he kept laughing. 

"I'm stealing you." He said, his breathing wasn't even effected! I closed my eyes as he pulled me down quickly into his arms, cradling me against his chest..  My heart was racing as he kissed me. 

I wrapped my arms around his shoulder as he slowly walked us into the bus and sat me on the bunk.. a little like before but this time he was grinning but he wasn't playing around. I wanted to tell him I loved him but was that really how I felt or was i just trying to keep this peace between us?

He kissed his way down my neck and I decided to wait until my emotions weren't high jacked by his hands working their way down my sides. He pulled my shirt off and his then got down beside me.. our lips still plastered against each other..


Stacy's POV 

I laughed as Jimmy ran away with Fallyn leaving the rest of us behind. "I was wondering if you want to maybe take the babies out for a while so Gwen and Syn an have a little time together?" I looked at Zacky as he smiled at me. 

Brie was tucked in my arms and he was holding Steph like she was breakable.. well she was but even Scott didn't hold her so gently.. "Sure, I'll ask Gwen if she'd mind." I said returning his smile. 

I walked over to Gwen and waited as she listened to something Syn was whispering in her ear. "Is Brie alright?" She asked frowning with her hands out. Syn, Gwen, Zacky and Me all stop but Matt, Britt, Johnny, and Ali all kept walking ahead. 

Jimmy ~My Heart's Always With You Now~ Sullivan 'The Rev' {Book 4}Where stories live. Discover now