Jimmy ch9

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Gwen's POV

Syn rolled over beside me still mostly asleep wrapping an arm around my waist. I loved this man. My heart was going crazy as his breath tickled my neck. "I love you Syn." I whispered kissing his temple as I ran my hand threw his hair. He smiled a little probably dreaming.

It still amazed me that he actually loved me. He could have any girl or woman he wanted but he chose me. Our baby was going to have a perfect daddy to help raise her and she is loved by everyone here. It was to early for her to wake up so the rv was quiet as I held Syn against me.


It must have been an hour before Syn started kissing my neck to let me know he was awake. "Morning babe." Tingles were running through my body as his lips trailed across my shoulder and down my arm.. Stopping at my fingers which he kissed each one before gently dropping my hand to pick up the other and reverse the process as he made his way back up to my mouth.

"Syn.." Was all I had breath to say as his hands ran down my side stopping at my hips where he began rubbing gently making small circles as his mouth stayed plastered mine.

He whispered.. "I love you." in my ears before he nipped it. I kissed his neck wrapping both arms around his shoulders as he laughed softly.

"I love you too." It was getting harder to concentrate...


Zacky's POV

I sighed looking down at my phone as my ex-girlfriend yelled at me. I had to break it off with her.. she never actually loved me anyways. Now that there was a chance for me with Stacy I had to break it off. I remembered feeling her hands on my chest as I kissed her everywhere I could reach.. I missed her so much.. but it had only been a week.. She was dropping Fallyn off so this was my last chance to see her and Steph until we were done touring.

Jimmy had been depressed all week as he moped around the bus and behind stage after our shows. Today he was the polar opposite.. he was jumpy and excited, hugging everyone.. I was happy Fallyn was his love.. just like Stacy was mine..

"It's over." I said closing the phone. She didn't care.. she was just upset because I broke up with her. A pride thing.. But I couldn't wait or push it off longer.

I grinned as Matt walked passed me. I just felt free.. I couldn't wait to see Stacy.. Her smile.. "Hey man, what are you so happy about?" he asked as I caught up with him.

I laughed thinking about it. "I just taking control for once." I said shrugging. He looked even more confused now. "I just trying to be happy." He nodded with a huge grin as we stopped at the bus where Jimmy was carrying Johnny around on his back and Ali was chasing them and laughing.


Gwen's POV

I grabbed my cellphone and grinned as I saw Stacy's number. I missed her and it would be nice to see her today when she dropped Fallyn off. "Hey Stacy."

"Hey.. I was calling because we'll be late..." she laughed nervously.. Was something bother her..

"That's alright.. Is everything going alright there?" I asked shrugging as Syn watched me.

"Yeah, it's alright.. Steph's got a slight fever but the doctor says she'll be fine I'm just not sure when we'll be there.. I'll call you when we leave."She sighed.. She must be so worried..

"Okay, I'll tell the guys. Don't worry, she'll be alright." I tried to reassure her more before ending the call.

I explained to Syn that the girls would be late and bit my lip as he ran off the bus to tell Jimmy. He'd been so happy and this would probably make him miserable but Steph's health needed to come first.

Brie whined a little so I picked her up holding her against me rocking her until she fell back asleep. Her head leaned on my chest as I sat with her on the couch.

I froze as Zacky ran into the rv looking at me with huge worried eyes. "Is she alright?!" he asked loudly practically tripping to get to the couch as Syn walked in after him.

"Zacky. Calm down. Steph just has a fever, she'll be fine. Here call Stacy for yourself." I said handing him my phone. He took it nodding.


I frowned as Steph began whining again.. She was sick and it wasn't fair to keep moving her from place to place. "I'll call a friend to take me back." I said helping Stacy chop chicken for sandwiches.

"Why? Steph will be fine, she just needs to rest." she said tossing small pieces of chicken into a bowl.

"That's what I mean, she doesn't need the two hour drive. I have a couple people who wouldn't mind helping me out. That way your here near the doctor." I said mixing the chicken salad together.

"If you don't mind.. That would be great." she said smiling. I nodded returning her smile.. She seemed to relax a little as we ate our sandwiches at the sink.

Stacy's phone rang so she fumbled to open it before it woke Steph.. In the process dropping her sandwich. "Hello?" She said quietly so I motioned for her to go take the call outside.

She nodded appreciatively before leaving. I picked up her sandwich and tossed it in the trash, after washing my hands I made her another one covering it with plastic wrap.

In the quiet house I could hear the kitten purring as I sat on the couch close enough to grab Steph if she needed me.


Stacy's POV

"Hi Zacky, is something wrong?" I asked sitting on the steps. My heart was flapping around like a caged bird as I worried that something happened.

"No, is Steph alright? Will I see her when you drop Fallyn off tonight?" his voice was tight like he was worried and that made my chest tighten. He cared about Steph..

"Yes, Steph will be fine with rest. But.. We aren't coming. Fallyn is going to get a friend to drive her." I bit my lip as the silence got tense.

"O.. okay. I'll just see her next time.. Bye." my heart fell as he cut the phone off. He didn't care if he saw us..

I shook the thought off going into the house. I couldn't worry about my feelings when Steph was the most important one..


"Thanks for the ride Kelly." I said slipping out of the car as she grinned. She was the only one willing to make this long drive and I was happy.

"No problem, Fall. I'm just glad your not mad about the whole leaving you stranded thing.. I was really messed up." She said biting her lip.

"Actually if you had stayed I wouldn't be with Jimmy.. So I guess I should thank you." remembering Jimmy coming to my rescue.. He barely knew me then but he wanted to marry me.. If it wasn't for that I would be alone.. without Jimmy..

I waved as she left and then made my way into the venue where the crowd was screaming loudly. I heard Matt scream as they played 'Second Heartbeat' .. That was what Jimmy was ..my second heartbeat.. And I loved him!

Suddenly i couldn't wait to see him and tell him.. I felt my heart racing and my stomach did a flip flop as he grinned.. I know he couldn't see me.. But I waved my heart out.

After several curious looks I walked to where the sign said backstage passes required and knocked. Thankfully Britt had them let me in. I wanted to be there when Jimmy came in from playing.. Sweaty yes but he was mine and I didn't care.

Jimmy ~My Heart's Always With You Now~ Sullivan 'The Rev' {Book 4}Where stories live. Discover now