Jimmy ch10

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I paced the floor oblivious to Britt, Gwen, and Brie laughing with each other on the couch. The boys picked this night to do a couple extra songs so I was getting very impatient to see my Jimmy. "Calm down Fallyn. Your going to dig a rut in the floor." Britt said pulling on my wrist.

I let her lead me to the couch but I didn't sit down. My stomach was filling with evil butterflies as I watched the door with impatient eyes. "Jimmy will be just as happy to see her." I heard Gwen say laughing quietly.

"It's like they are magnets when you try to pull them apart they just keep getting back together with a stronger bond." Britt added with a fit of laughs. I really wasn't worried about what they were saying as I watched the door.

I could hear Matt yelling that they were great and he couldn't wait to see them next time. My heart was attacking my chest as Jimmy burst through the door looking around curiously. "Fallyn!!!"

I ran to him wrapping my arms around his shoulders as he picked me up, spinning me in his arms. My lips found his as the rest of the guys walked in laughing. "I love you Jimmy." I said as he set me down.

He froze locking his eyes with mine as he registered what I'd said. "I love you to gummy bear!" he said hugging me against his sweaty chest, I laughed softly... Gummy bear?

"That's all he would eat while you were gone." Matt said grinning .. All he ate.. "He missed you the whole time." I watched as Jimmy grinned nervously. To reassure him I kissed his cheek but he turned catching my lips.

The others just faded out as we held each other. "I got you something love." I said digging in the back pocket of my jeans.

I watched his eyes light up as I handed him a keychain with a small rubber duckie and silver heart that said Fallyn. He hugged me kissing my neck. "Thank you gummy bear!" he said excitedly.

"Your welcome baby." I said pulling back to show him my matching one with a heart that said Jimmy. His smile was so perfect it made me smile.

"How.. Sweet.." I heard one of the girls say.. but i didn't care what they thought. My heart was racing as he looped his fingers in mine and walked me to the bus. It was already dark and kind of cold..

I laughed as he pulled me onto the bus and lead me to the back.. I was thinking of doing bad things while he left me to go to the back. When he came back he was holding something small and black folded in his arms.

"I made this for you." was all he said as he handed it to me. I unfolded it and gasped seeing my name and his air brushed in a heart with tiny hearts on both sides framing it in neon colors. It was beautiful.

"Jimmy.. It's perfect." I whispered kissing him quickly before tossing my shirt to the ground and pulling his shirt over my head.

I grinned at him as he stared at me with wide eyes. "Do that again?" he asked licking his bottom lip. My cheeks turned red as his eyes roamed down and the locked with mine.

"Shower's open." Johnny said running in with wet hair. Jimmy nodded then pouted.

I ran a hand through his hair which was wet with sweat. "Go shower, I'll be here waiting for you." I said laughing softly. He nodded kissing one last time before running off the bus.

I felt lighter.. happier now that he knew I loved him.. I pressed my fingers to my lips as I smiled.


I waited on the bus for Jimmy to go shower. I mixed a box of instant cherry jello in a large bowl tossing in a handful of gummy bears.. I smiled remembering my new nickname.

Matt and Britt had already said goodnight to me before heading to the bunks. Johnny and Ali were talking on the couch. I'm sure Gwen Syn, and Brie were already in their rv.

I cover the bowl with plastic wrap pushing gently until it covered the bowl tightly. I began humming as I put it in the fridge, closing afterwards.

"We're going to bed." Ali said grinning, I nodded and they went to the back leaving me mostly alone. I kicked off my shoes and sat on the couch waiting for what seemed like forever until Zacky stumbled in the door looking drunk as hell.

"Hey F-f-fall-yn." he stumbled over plopping down next to me. He reeked..

"Hey." I said scooting away from him. He grinned knowing he was making me uncomfortable.

"Why the f*ck can Matt, Syn, Johnny, and Jimmy find perfect, beautiful women and I can't?" he asked drinking more.

I shrugged not sure what to say. He put a hand on my wrist making me tense. "Zacky." I said with warning.

"Relax babe, I won't hurt you." he laughed drinking more. I tried to twist my arm free but he pulled it roughly making me fall against him. I wanted to scream but he pushed my face to his as he kissed me.

I hated it, I struggled pushing against him but his arms just got tighter. I tried to turn my face away so he pulled back drinking more. He kept my hand tightly held in his. "Jimmy is going to kill you." I said scratching his hand until he let me go.

Before I could jump up he way laying across me kissing my lips. I screamed trying to kick at him but he just pressed my legs down with his. "You won't say anything to Jimmy because it would hurt him. We don't want that right?"

I felt the tears gather in my eyes as he let me go roughly standing up. "I hate you." I said in a harsh whisper.

He laughed stumbling back to the bunks. Jimmy ran passed me grabbing Zacky's shirt turning him around. I covered my mouth on a scream as Jimmy punched him several times before letting him fall to the ground.

Zacky spit on the ground looking at me with regret before going to find his bunk. He knew he messed up.. But did Jimmy? Jimmy watched him intently. His back was tense.. He must have thought.. My heart was tearing in half.. He would hate me.. Fresh tears fell down my cheeks.

When he turned his eyes looked me over and he looked so sad. "Jimmy.. It wasn't me. I swear he was drunk." I said standing. He walked over and I tensed thinking he'd hurt me.

His arms snaked around my waist as we kissed my my face all over. "I know. I'm so sorry Fallyn. God I'm so sorry!" his lips met mine taking away the worry and fear of what could have happened.. what I could have lost..

"He didn't mean it." I said not wanting them to fight about me. My heart was crashing against my chest.

"I know. He has been sad for a while but that's no excuse. I won't kill him but there better not be a next time." he glared at the bunks. I squeezed his side holding him against me.

"I love you Jimmy bear." I said kissing his nose. His eyes turned soft as he looked down at me. We would both forgive Zacky this once..

"I love you too gummy bear!" he grinned kissing me. I laughed softly leading him to the fridge where I had the jello stashed.

I made us both a bowl watching his eyes turn huge looking into it. "You made this for me?!" I nodded and he kissed my cheek excitedly digging in.

In no time he was carrying me to our bunk and tossing me down gently. I tried to stay quiet knowing the others were already asleep. His lips molded to mine as he snuggled next to me. My heart raced.. I wanted this man forever..

Jimmy ~My Heart's Always With You Now~ Sullivan 'The Rev' {Book 4}Where stories live. Discover now