Jimmy ch8

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Stacy's POV

I sighed in relief as Fallyn helped me unload my things and carry them to the spare room that Gwen and Syn had given me and Steph until we got on our feet. It was nice to know I had them and it made it easier to get my life on track. Scott as far as I was concerned was in the past once the divorce was final and I could get on with my life. "I think we should take Steph to the movies or something." Fallyn said setting the suitcase in her hands on the bed.

"She'd love that, all the people and colors on the screen.. yeah we should go." I said smiling. Fallyn had become a really good friend and i was so happy to have her here with me. She grinned before turning toward the door to go for the rest of my things. "Thanks for this Fallyn, I know you don't know me that well.. and.. just thanks for being here for us."

She nodded looking over her shoulder as I walked over to the door. "Your welcome.'' Steph was still sleeping soundly in the crib next to the closed window where sunlight filtered in making her skin glow. I loved my baby more than anyone and hopefully Zacky would love her as much.. It was crazy to want him when he was this huge rockstar that could have any girl.. but maybe I was that girl. I owed it to myself and Steph to try to see what we have.. if it was anything..

I followed Fallyn grabbing the last of my things and going back inside. She yawned loudly and laughed covering her mouth as I unzipped the first suitcase. "Why don't you go watch some tv or call Jimmy? You've helped me so much I can handle the rest. Thank you." I said hugging her quickly. She nodded pulling her cellphone from her back pocket as she walked to the door.

"Just yell if you need me and I'll be right in, okay?" I nodded pulling out several pairs of jeans. She left leaving the door partially open. I kept unpacking my things thinking of Zacky.. the way his hands made me feel.. the way his lips trailed down my neck.. his arms as held me against him.. but then I had a terrible realization.. what if Zacky only wanted me just once.. and now that he gotten that.. I felt my eyes water as I sat on the bed.. I couldn't take another man making my life miserable.. I had thought Scott was different but he wasn't.. what if Zacky was like him.. Zacky never said he loved me or anything.. so maybe he was just playing..


Fallyn's POV

I sat on the couch with the remote, flipping through the channels as i called Jimmy on my cellphone. I waited for what seemed like forever until I heard his voice.. my heart beat was going crazy.. "Hey Fallyn, how are you? I miss you."

I felt bad for leaving him.. I wiped at my eyes as i held my stuffed duck against my chest. "I miss you too." I said laughing softly at how I was acting.. I'm never like this.. I don't like crying and this isn't even anything to cry over.. I would see him a couple days..

"I made you something." He said laughing excitedly. I found myself grinning as he dropped the phone and picked it up again. "Sorry. I dropped the phone."

"That's alright baby. What did you make me?" I asked curiously. He waited a second and i could hear his breathing so I knew we hadn't lost connection. I bit my lip thinking it was something stuffed and yellow knowing him.

"It's a surprise." He said laughing quietly. I could hear the others in the background. Zacky was asking about Stacy, and Britt was talking to someone but by her raised voice they weren't in the same room.. and then I realized they would be playing an early show today so Jimmy was probably busy..

"Are you busy?" i asked biting my nail. I heard a loud rustling and then Jimmy yell You idiot! Before the phone made a loud sound causing me to pull it away from my ear.

"How's Stacy?" I heard Zacky ask into the phone before hearing the distinct sound of fist hitting flesh and then Zacky started coughing.

"Sorry Fallyn, Zacky took the phone." From the sound of Jimmy's voice I knew he was glaring at Zacky.. Who was cursing loudly.

"That's alright baby. Why don't you just tell him that Stacy is great and not to worry." I said and smiled as he repeated everything ending it with 'you ass!'

"Matt says to stop horsing around and get setup." Jimmy pouted into the phone. I sighed looking at the blank screen. "I'll call you tonight." He promised before the phone went dead.

"I think I love you." I said to the dead tone.. I was being a coward.. i knew how i felt but still i kept lieing to him.. And myself. Before I started crying or something i got up to see Stacy.

Hanging with them would help distract me.. I walked into check on Stacy and she looked up with wet eyes.. in the time I'd left her alone she'd changed completely.. now instead of a grin she was constantly wearing on our way here she was faking a smile.. what had happened?

"Stacy? Are you alright?" I asked sitting next to her. She nodded getting up quickly like she didn't want me to see something.. but when she walked to the crib she wiped at her eyes.. she was crying?

"I'm going to wake Steph and feed her." She said picking her up gently and whispering to her. I nodded but she couldn't see me anyways. What could have made her cry.. well maybe everything from before had been a show.. or maybe something had just gotten to her.

I sighed standing up and leaving her alone. We were both sad and we wouldn't help eachother like this I needed to take a minute to calm down.. Jimmy..


Zacky's POV

I glared at Jimmy until he hung up and then looking at his eyes I couldn't stay mad at him. He was hurting and it wasn't fair. "Jimmy.." I didn't know what to say.. "I'm sorry."

He nodded hugged me quickly and turned away climbing onto the stage where all our euiptment was waiting to be prepared for our show today. "F*cking cord!!" i felt my stomach drop as Jimmy yelled tripping down the stairs and landing with a loud thump.

"Jimmy! Jimmy! Are you alright!?" i was searching his arms for breaks as he looked up at me confused.

"Why are you yelling at me?" He sat up quickly rubbing his head and I thought of f*ck he had a concussion..

"Oh man! God I'm sorry!" I yelled hugging him. He looked confused then shook his head hugging me back.

"Zacky.. what is wrong with you? I just fell down a couple stairs." He jumped up this time avoiding the cord falling across the top stair.

I rubbed my eyes running after him. In just a few hours this place would be packed. I wish Stacy were here to see this.. I sighed wondering if Scott would try to get her back.. And would she go? Suddenly my chest hurt as I spotted Matt talking with Britt. Could I ever love Stacy as much.. And as freely as they love each other ..

Jimmy ~My Heart's Always With You Now~ Sullivan 'The Rev' {Book 4}Where stories live. Discover now