Lauren to Camila / Delusions pt 2

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They weren't as delusional as I had made them out to be. In fact I used to think I was more delusional than them. To actually think we could work regardless of management breathing down our necks; essentially threatening to end the group because I was being so selfish. But Camz, remember when things were much easier? That u-stream we did that ended up being all over the Internet. That was genuine baby, as much as you think I never loved you, seeing how I was the one who ended this all. But it was real, baby. It was all real. And it was the most amazing thing that has and could ever happen to me. You, Camz, are the most beautiful thing in my life. The way I looked at you like you were the only person in the room — it took everything in me to not lean in and kiss you. From that point on, I never ever denied my feelings for you. How could I? You consumed every part of me. What I felt for you was so intense and overwhelming, it took over every cell in my body. I was always desperately honest with you, but fear overtook my heart, Camz. I'm sorry. Sometimes when life hits love, you just...die. And I did, I did internally. I was so emotionally drained from all of it. I promise it will all make sense one day. Seeing you in someone else's arms killed me, and it still does. I was never and would never be able to deal with that. But I know, deep in my heart, we'll end up together again. Maybe not tomorrow, next week or next year but it will happen. You'll see I'll make it work again, Camz. I promise.

Love always,

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