Chapter 1

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It was only supposed to be a normal get-together; they were going to binge eat on junk food while playing on Samantha's new Xbox One. It had been a long, hard week for the four girls, so it was only fair that they be allowed to stay up all night, laughing and playing around since there wasn't anyone who could stop them. They were in Samantha's bedroom; Samantha was sitting in her black recliner while her friends were scattered across the room. Zenin was sprawled on Samantha's bed, Jackie was on the floor with her back leaning against the bed's frame, and Christina was next to Jackie, leaning against the larger girl. Everything was fine until something odd happened. All they did was pop in the newly released Assassin's Creed Syndicate that Samantha had been dying to get her hands on when a bright light gleamed from the screen and their world went black.


Samantha was the first one who woke up and there was an immediate sense of unease and borderline panic that ran through her. She knew that she hadn't fallen asleep willingly and, even if she did, this horrible grogginess that plagued her wasn't characteristic of her usual sleeping habits. Once the grogginess faded and she could properly lift herself without her limbs shaking, she realized that they were in some trouble. The first immediate problem that she realized was they were no longer in her bedroom or house; they were outside, somewhere. The area was dark with no street lamps and there was a noticeable absence of motor vehicles. Looking down at the ground beneath her, she saw that the ground wasn't anything she had ever seen in her life. Was it cobblestone? It didn't look like the normal concrete that would normally be used as sidewalks. The ground was also wet; there was no rain, but that didn't mean that it hadn't rained at some point. A gust of wind blew through the alleyway and Samantha shivered violently as she now felt the coldness of her wet clothes.

Samantha forced herself to ignore the discomfort and crawled to where Zenin was laying. She gently pushed the younger girl's shoulder, expecting Zenin to wake up since she was a light sleeper. However, what should have scared Zenin, barely received a response.

"Psst, Zenin?" Samantha whispered softly as she pushed the fake blonde; she had seen enough horror movies to know better than to be loud in a dark, unfamiliar place. "Zenin? God damn it, wake up!"

"Hm?" the fake blonde groaned, her head ached, and her eyelids felt as though there were weights on them. She groggily turned her head toward her friend, croaking, "What the fuck, Sam?"

Samantha's heart leaped as Zenin spoke in a slightly louder tone than she was comfortable with. She covered Zenin's mouth and held one finger up to her own mouth. "Shh! Be quiet and follow me." Samantha hissed, turning away from Zenin and crawling over to Jackie and Christina. "Jackie? Chris?"

While Samantha attempted to wake up the last two girls, Zenin almost went back to sleep; the same weariness that formerly affected Samantha was also bothering Zenin. That quickly passed, and she soon realized that they weren't in Samantha's bedroom, nor were they in a house anymore. Zenin patted herself and the ground around her. With what intention? Not even she was sure. All she knew was that her backpack, keys, or even cell phone wasn't near her nor were they with her.

"Samantha, my darling friend." Zenin tugged at Samantha's plaid shirt that she wore over her dark green tank top. "What the fuck is happening, how the fuck did we get here, and where the fuck are we?"

"How would I know Zenin?" Samantha whispered back, "Just help me get these two up."

While Zenin was busy with her own realization, Samantha had been trying to wake up the other two girls with no success. If she thought that she and Zenin could carry the other girls, she would have suggested it. Unfortunately, both Jackie and Christina were not light, and it would take too much time to carry them one at a time. That left the only option of waking them up, but they were heavy sleepers to begin with and nothing she tried to do was helping.

The Assassins And The Dimension Travelers| Book 1Where stories live. Discover now