The Poem I Wrote for You

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I think a lot about the things you do to me.

I think about how I look into your eyes and I can't remember if anything has ever upset me in my life,
because that doesnt matter anymore.

I think about how when you hug me it's never long enough,
because you hold me together like you already know I'm crumbling.

I think about how when you run your hands up my sides it's gentle,
-like I'm made of feathers-
and how it makes my heart flutter every time.

I think about when you hold my hand,
and how the calluses on your fingertips feel like home.

I think about how you look at me as if you've never seen someone so perfect,
and how that simple glance makes me believe
-if only for a moment-
that I really am that perfect.

I think about how you tease me like I'm your best friend,
and how it makes me feel like I never want you to leave.

I think about the way you smile,
and how it makes me feel tipsy but in a good way.
In a way that makes me never want to drink,
because nothing could compare to that feeling.

I think about the way you've changed who I am,
and how you've replaced the ugly things with butterflies.

I think about the first time you kissed me,
and you kissed me so hard I forgot poems were made of words rather than people.

Butterflies come flying out [poetry]Where stories live. Discover now