I Always Innitiate Conversation

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And so here I am,
Silently challenging you.
"Speak to me"
Because I know
you never think of me.

And so here I am
Whispering in your direction
"Remember that I'm here"
Because I know,
You don't see when I'm online.

And so here I am
Secretly screaming at you
"Why don't you talk to me?!"
Because I know,
You will one day completely forget
what we had
What we were before it all.

It becomes pretty obvious,
When I'm always the one who talks to you
Who it is that really care about remaining friends.

And so with that I'll say,
You are still one of my best.
You will remain in my heart.
I hope you live a fulfilling life.

Because I'm tired of always initiating conversation.


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