4. New News's a Noose.

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Two years later...

I walked through the park, mulling over what he'd said.

"We'll be married in no time and then I can show you my business. But... I assume you already know what I do for a living. Don't you?"

"No, My Lord. I actually do not. Wherever did you come up with that?"

"Oh just from an old acquaintance of mine. I still find it curious how you happen to know him."

"Know whom?"

Fortunately, he had not been able to answer for some captain had tapped on his shoulder, capturing his attention. While that had happened, I escaped the vicinity, heart racing.

What have I agreed to?

I remembered that day with crystal clarity. I then remembered all the days that followed it. Countless flowers and little gifts for yours truly. It was insane. I hated it and I also made it very obvious. But sadly, for my part, Aunt Brank took no note. Already she had been preparing for our marriage, no matter the protests. I couldn't believe it. And when he asked, it wasn't in private. Oh no. It was almost as if he knew that if he were to ask in private I'd say no. Instead, he asked during one of Sir Phillip's raucous balls, where over five hundred people attended. And my dear aunt and sisters were watching every move I made.

I was unable to gather up the gall to say no.

To this day, I berated myself. I hadn't exactly fallen for his charms - no man could ever dream of charming me - but I had done things I never would've imagined.

I accepted each flower he gave to me. I did not throw them away.

I accepted each gift given to me. I did not give them away.

I accepted each compliment he shot my way, no matter how false they were.

I did not take him for granted.

Yet with each thing I accepted, I felt at a loss. Was I supposed to give something in return?

No you fool! A little voice inside my head screamed at me. Don't you dare give him anything! He just wants to have you as his wife just to get information out of you about him!!! You're twenty one and you should know better! Hasn't the last two years of being with him taught you anything!?

Indeed they had. I found out that he enjoyed lying to me, and leading me to believe false things. Of course, that didn't tie in with him. He was brutally honest, from what I could remember. And that wasn't saying much.

All in all, I had spent more time with His Lordship than I had with my late employer.

Why had I not been able to say no when he proposed!? Why had he been clever enough to think of something like asking me in front of five hundred people, including my aunt!? Why has he taken such a strange false liking of me?!

They were all questions that I had no answers to. I sighed, and sauntered underneath a tree when I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

"Hey! Lilly!" I turned around and saw Patsy, Eve and Flora, three girls I had not seen for a couple days because of His Lordship. That bastard. I thought, as I quickened my pace towards them.

When I reached the girls, they all enveloped me into a hug.

"How's our general doing?" Patsy asked with a grim-like smile.

"I've been doing well. I'm actually taking this whole fiasco with a cool head rather than yelling my head off in anger." After that man proposed to me, the following morning, I had run to the park as fast as my legs could carry me. I told the girls the dreadful news and they were all shocked, Patsy the most shocked of them all. She asked where she could find him so she could bash his head in with her parasol but I refrained her. The results of that were dastardly and would lead her to life imprisonment, and I could not risk that.

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