Camp blue lake (ziam, nosh, larry)

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Harry P.O.V.

"Honey get up we have to leave in a couple hours." i hear d my mom say from down stairs normally i would groan and stuff my head back into the pillows and go to sleep, but today was the day i've been waiting for i just turned 17 and for my birthday my mom surprised me with signing me up for Blue Lake camp of the arts. i remember looking at the pamphlet when i was ten wanting to go and sing and today was the day i would be gone for two weeks doing what i love.

I rolled out of the bed and jogged to my bathroom i was so buzzed about camp today nothing could bring my mood down. i hopped in the shower and started to sing at the top of my lungs.


i got of the shower and walked to my closet and put on my ramones t-shirt black skinnies and my white converse on i grabbed my Duffle bag full of clothes and headed down stairs to my mom cooking.

"hi honey i can tell your excited." she says putting a plate of breakfast on the island in the middle of the kitchen for me to eat. I kiss her on the cheek.

"i'm very excited." i say then i shove a fork full of food in my mouth and i look at my mom as she checks her watch 

" we have to go grab your bag i'll meet you in the car i have to grab my purse." i look at her confused

"mom i have a car i can drive myself you know." she just shakes her head at my response

"i'm taking you that's final." i just roll my eyes and head out to my moms mini van when i got in i just breathed in and smiled nothing would ruin my day.


My alarm clock goes off and i slap my hand down on my side table and miss the clock i try to hit again and i miss i finally hit the button on my third try. i did not want to get up i rolled over in my bed away from my window which was letting the sunlight attack my freshly open eyes. i had to remind myself why i was going to this stupid camp. it was so i kept out of trouble before college... you see the college i was going to had strict regulations and if you so mush as disobey one they will ex spell you from the school... i wanted to become a drama teacher and i barely got accepted to the school as it is because of my grades and due to my mischievous mind i needed to make sure i kept it busy so i applied to be a counselor at this stupid camp and some how i got the job..

i finally get my lazy arse out of bed and force myself into the shower i decided that in order for me to enjoy myself at this camp i had to put some effort into it so i put on a smile as i got out of the shower and headed to get dressed in my uniform which was s yellow shirt with blue lettering that said Blue lakes fine arts camp on the front and S.T.A.F.F on the back i decided to add a bit of personality to it by wearing suspenders and black shorts and blue toms i grabbed my back pack and my keys and headed out of my flat to my silver impala...



the camp was only a half hour away and when i arrived the dirt road parking spaces were filled with cars teenagers and moms... it made me a bit sad seeing all the family together i haven't seen my family in about two years because i got kicked out when i was caught getting a little too friendly with another guy... i was 17 and now i'm 19 going into college i made it without them. i walk over to a big wooden building that had a hand made sign on it that said "staff sign in here" as i walked in the door it was filled with people in their uniforms so i assumed that i was in the right place.

"staff sign in here" i hear a male say i walk over to where i see a buzzed cut brown eyed lad.

"um hello... Louis tomlinson" i say picking a pen up to sign my name on a sheet.

"Louis-- is that you?" i look up at the buzz cutted lad and realized who it was.....the boy i was being a bit too friendly with

"Liam! what're you doing here mate." i say excited to see him

"this is my dads camp... remember." i shake my head in realisation 

"shit its great to see you." i say going around the table to give him a proper hug. he hugs me back and picks up his clip board, " it looks like you'll be in cabin fourteen eighty eight with me." he smirks at me after he says this i just chuckle.

"no offense mate but i don't thinks that's a good idea." i say worried he'll get offended.

" ha ha Louis don't worry i'm straight now.." when he says this i look at him confused

he just grabs my arm and waves someone over to take his place.

"here i'll show you our cabin, and explain everything." and we both headed to the cabin

after realizing i had a friend with me, maybe working here won't be so bad after all.


Authors note: the next chapter will be on josh, Niall and zayn and then after that i promise there will be more action going down. i hope you liked it so far 



Camp blue lake (ziam, nosh, larry) !BOOK1!Where stories live. Discover now