ch.11 To be missed

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harry's P.O.V.

before i knew it Louis was stripping himself from his shirt leaving on his shorts though because well we around his sisters. He jumped in screaming for me to join him.

"on my way." i say kicking my shoes off and taking my shirt off, seeing Louis this happy made me feel so happy i loved seeing the crinkles by his eyes.

Soon i jumped in after him earning screams and laughing because of the huge splash i created.

"who is this Louis is this your boyfriend?" Lottie asked as i started to approach them.

"Wait are you cheating on Liam i liked him." Charlotte says pouting her lips out like a little kid.

"geesh, can i get a i'm so happy to see you. or at least a hi its good to see you." Louis says to them chuckling.

All five them laughed and quickly swam over to him tackling him and yelling how muched they missed him causing Louis to laugh and smile showing the crinkles near his eyes.

"now tell us who this is." daisy says he little body shivering.

"i'll tell you once we get you guys out of this water it's getting cold." Louis says being cutely protective over his sisters

"no i want to stay we just got in." felecitie protested.

"stop being a little brat." Charlotte said swimming to what looked like some kind of shallow shore.

"where is she going?" i asked looking at Louis.

"shortcut to the top." he says simply but chuckling.

"you mean to tell me i climbed that cliff for no reason." i say splashing Louis.

"sorry love." he says swimming over to the shore where his sisters were following the path the lead to the top of the cliff.

i slowly followed behind them as we walked up the path watching him interact with his sisters he would tell them stories about whats been going on his life.. he would tease them about how he found o7ut they had boyfriends. You could tell he loved them.

And you could tell they looked up to him and missed him.

when we got to the top of the cliff they started to grill him with questions.

"who is he then." Lottie says pointing to me

"harry styles from Cheshire." he says in a posh accent.

"well do you guys kiss like you and Liam did?" daisy asked as she sat next to the fire that Louis started a bit ago.

"I'm not telling you." he says appearing to be the Tommo the Tomlinson blushing.

"yes he kisses harry and he loves it that's why he's blushing." felecitie says batting her eyes teasingly.

"well do you like it?" Charlotte asks me. Everyone including Lou looks at me for an answer.

"uh yea idk we haven't done it much." i say throwing a stick in the fire trying to avoid eye contact that would give my emotions away.

"Well Lou kiss him so he can know if he likes it." daisy says as if she's cracked the case.

Lou looks at his phone, for the time.

"its about time you guys head back its getting late go ahead and start walking i want to talk to Charlotte." Louis says changing the subject.

The younger girls grunt but they do as they're told.

"are you guys up here with mum and dad?" Louis ask

i felt like i should leave but as i got up Louis waved for me to sit back down.

"yeah were on summer break....." Charlotte says fiddling with her fingers.

"Mum misses you." she says quickly before Louis can ask another question.

"and dad?" he asked as he looked her with hopeful eyes

"he- um he's still." she begins but Louis just nods his head in realization not making her continue.

"well we should start heading back." Louis says rising from the log he was sitting on and reaching out for my hand.

"so you are dating!" Charlotte says in excitement.

"just come on." he says holding on to my hand and leading me down the cliff.

"your coming with us?" daisy asked Louis as we reached the bottom of the cliff.

"Mom misses me." he says

earning excited squeals from the girls but a worried look from daisy.

"are you sure." i ask whispering in his ear.

He just looks at me with fear in his eyes but gives me a weak smile and nods his head.

Since we had no car we ended up walking to louis' family cabin it was fun though we were all joking and the girls were all warming up to me well and for some reason Louis was being really affectionate.

He would kiss my neck ear or chin when i would make him laugh. soon enough we came upon a gravel trail that lead to the cabin. the girls decide they would race each other down the trail.. leaving me and Louis alone.

"are you scared?" i asked curiously.

"Um i'm terrified to be honest." he says gripping my hand in his a bit tighter.

"why?" i ask cursing myself for being nosy.

"well me and my dad were really close and it really hurts him being disgusted with me.

"I'm sorry boo bear." i say without thinking twice.

"don't be." he says kissing my neck sending tingles throughout my whole body.

Soon enough we approached the door to a very large log cabin we saw the silhouette of the girls explaining everything, To a woman through the windows that were illuminated by the lights in the house.

The girls and louis' mom were heading towards the door and i felt his hand grip mine tightly.

"i can let go if you want?" i say just in case he felt uncomfortable.

he just brings my hand to his lips and kisses it.. and shakes his head.


A\N: so this is just a short chappie to build up to a biggggggg chappie coming up this weekend i hope you enjoyed :) I know theres a lot of drama happening lately but it will all sort itself out :)




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