Ch.8 Mixed Signals

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Harry's P.O.V.

So i lay in my bed and look up at the ceiling listening to the crickets chirp and i just think and unfortunately it was not about how i could hit my high notes better or how I could take better care of my voice. I was thinking about Louis, I was thinking about how i could so easily have him, but I was so worried because i honestly have never seen the serious side of him and i'm afraid i'm going to be attached to him emotionally. While he'll be attached sexually and that's it. I

I look over at Zayn in his bed it was almost three in the morning he was sleeping on his stomach, and i know it's because his ass has to hurt because i remember my first time and lets just say i can't wait to see Zayn's limp in the morning. Thinking about this obviously made my mind wonder to what it would be like having sex with Louis, another thing that was attractive to me about him was his age, it just turns me on so much that he's older and has experience and the thought of it being illegal just gets me all hot too. I look at the clock and it was now 3:05 so i decided to try to make peace with my mind.... I won't have sex with Louis until i know that he's committed to me. I smile to myself yeah that'll work.

On the other side of Camp Blue lake in Louis Cabin.

Louis P.O.V.

"Louis if you don't shut up i swear." Liam threatens me with his pillow aiming it at me

"just because you used all your energy doing your camper... dosen't mean you can't listen to me." i say throwing a bouncy ball at the wall and catching it.

"Fine!... but did you ever think hey maybe harry wants me to show i like him for him and not just sex?" Liam says sitting up against his headboard.

"Liam i do like him for him." i say not sure of my answer.

"Louis half the conversations you have with him are because you're trying to seduce him, just tell him you want to be with him emotionally." Liam says rolling his eyes at me.

"Liam, you know i can't do that." i say sitting on my bed 

"Just because people have hurt you in the past....doesn't mean you have to hurt people to have a unhurt future." Liam says i sigh at his words even though i know he's right.

"i just have a commitment issue." i say taking off my suspenders so i can get ready for bed.

"Oh i know, i remember you cheating on me with my best friend Andy." i shoot him a look full of apology.

"Sorry about that." i say removing my t-shirt

"But, when we were together you treated me well and i know you want to love... you're just afraid that your trust will be betrayed like when your family betrayed you." Liam's word cut through me like knives because well i hate being vulnerable.

"Um i'm gonna go to bed." i switch off my light but don't lay down.

I can't hurt Harry, but i don't even know if he wants me emotionally so i guess i'll play it off until it gets too serious. I lay down and finally fall asleep.



The next morning at breakfast Harry was being awfully nice to me. he would touch my hand or gaze into my eyes really hard when we were conversing. He would join in on my jokes and even crack a few funny ones himself. It was like he was trying to tell me something.

"So Zayn how are you feeling." Josh asked while playing with Niall's hand they were such a cute couple.

"What do you mean?" Zayn asked.

"Oh you know what he means." i say cracking my knuckles and leaning back in my chair with a cheeky grin spread across my face, but keeping my eyes on harry remembering him kicking my chair from under me before.

Camp blue lake (ziam, nosh, larry) !BOOK1!Where stories live. Discover now