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"I killed his sister."

"So, now you know, Severus," she whispered, too scared to look at his face.

He made no sound whatsoever; there was only the noise of house-elves working in the background. She drew in a deep breath and made her mind up instantaneously.

"I'm sorry, Severus, truly sorry." She backed away and then turning on her heel she left the kitchens.

She was only a little way down the corridor when Dean stepped out in front of her. She stopped, her heart beat increasing, she wasn't sure she had anything left to face him.

"Meg." He nodded his head slightly, his eyes narrowed


"Why are you here?" she asked, her heart beating madly in her chest. Fears and emotions she had kept locked away for years were so close to the surface she felt as if she were drowning.

"I see nothing has changed," he said quietly, a small smirk playing around his lips. "You still believe the whole world revolves around you."

He shook his head and motioned her to walk with him. She didn't want to go anywhere with him and she knew that behind her in the kitchens was Severus. She was safer where she was, so she shook her head at him. He just shrugged and leant against the wall beside her.

"Why would you imagine I was here for any reason apart from Dumbledore requesting a replacement for your Divination Professor?" His words were measured carefully, a hint of mockery colouring them.

"Come off it, Dean, the chances are remote, you don't even teach Divination. You're a researcher, not a teacher."

He merely shrugged, his eyes mocking as he studied her.

"I see you're getting friendly with Snape," he remarked, changing the subject. "You do know he was a Death Eater, don't you." It wasn't a question, but it rankled her that he would bring it up.

"That has nothing to do with our conversation," she replied frostily, her hands buried deep in her robes, her right hand clutching her wand very tightly.

"I know." He nodded. "It just struck me as funny, that's all. You, getting all buddy buddy with Snape, former Death Eater, with still dubious intentions. That's probably the closest you'll ever get to meeting yourself."

"What?" Meg couldn't believe what he'd said.

"Well, come on, let's face it, you're both murderers." He moved to the window that overlooked the lake.

"Leave Severus out of this," she whispered.

"Don't expect to get a 'happy ever after ' with Snape. He isn't the type to settle down, and I doubt he'd settle for someone who has the same scruples as himself."

"Dean, stop playing games and tell me what you're here to do." She'd had enough and she just wanted him to stop playing games with her.

"I already told you. I'm here to teach Divination. To think anything else is extremely arrogant and self-centred. But like I said earlier, nothing's changed in you." He sighed, and brought his hands forward to rest on the ledge. "Ten years ago I told you I'd come after you and kill you."

"I remember," she whispered, her head began to hurt. She was tired, weary and her heart ached.

"Keep it in mind," he whispered softly.

"So, you are going to hurt me." Her voice shook as she spoke.

"Nope." He laughed and stepped away from the wall. "You're going to do that all by yourself." He smiled at her, but it wasn't a kind smile. It was the kind of smile that would freeze hell over.

It's A One Time Thing It Just Happens A Lot.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin