Don't Look Down!

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A/N: This was written a loooong time ago and as such, some of the rides mention in this chapter at Alton Towers are no longer there.  I hope you enjoy it and thank you so much for your support and reading this. :)

Severus Snape's sense of smell was impeccable. It made him able to identify even the most hidden of spices in his food. He could take apart any dish served to him and label every ingredient just by one taste, and one delicate sniff. He had never in his life been faced with a food that he had found impossible to identify; until now.

He frowned and poked at the offending food item with the tiny wooden fork that Megan had handed him. Had he not been accosted with the truly sickening smell of some kind of meat and an overload of grease, he would have sworn it was indeed cardboard he was faced with. He gave it another poke and narrowed his eyes at his wife.

"What is it?"

"Food, Severus. Go ahead and try it, you may like it."

She was smirking; he could see it, a huge smirk on her face that left him in no doubt. She was laughing at him, laughing at his expense. His frown deepened and a sneer curled his lips.

His niece was no better. She hadn't even looked at what was set in front of her; she'd just picked it up, taken a huge bite and was now chewing with a look of rapt delight on her face.

"Go ahead, Uncle," she murmured, spraying tiny amounts of what looked like half eaten animal across her plate, before taking another huge bite. Severus felt faintly ill.

"Is it mineral, vegetable or animal?" he inquired, gingerly picking up the offending burger and sniffing it gently.

Meg blushed and kicked out at him under the table of the fast food restaurant.

"Severus!" She looked around her but most people were engaged in their own food. No one noticed the behaviour of the rather odd threesome sitting at the table overlooking the huge park.

"Well! Which is it?" he demanded, not in the slightest bit worried if anyone was staring at him oddly. He wasn't about to risk internal damage for the sake of 'keeping face' in public.

"I have no idea," Senga announced, wiping sauce from her chin. "But it tastes fantastic. Can I have another one, please?"

Meg laughed and handed over some money. "Go ahead."

Senga stood up and wiggled slightly to pull her jeans up a bit. She was totally unused to wearing jeans. These were her first ever pair and she couldn't stop herself from wiggling her hips every so often. It diverted Snape's attention from his burger and he glared at her.

"What is the problem?" he demanded.

"Nothing. They just slip down every so often." She grinned and bounced her way across the food area to the till. Meg shook her head and smirked again.

"I'm not so sure this was a good idea bringing her here," he grumbled.

"I think eating is going to be the problem, not coming here. She's having a great time, leave her be, Severus."

"Ha!" He slapped his palm down on the table. "So there is something suspect about this..." He indicated his burger.

"No." Meg laughed again and sat back in her seat.

Her own nausea had ruled out the possibility of her eating a burger, but she was managing a Chocolate Thick Shake very well so far. She was also having immense fun at Snape's expense, and she was making no attempt to hide it.

Severus Snape might be a formidable wizard, a master potion brewer and an evil teacher to boot, but this was her world. A world he had no idea how to react to, and it gave her a feeling of power over him that she wanted to extort shamelessly.

It's A One Time Thing It Just Happens A Lot.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz