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A/N: Huge thank you to SilasAggeleMou for her hard work checking this one. 

Sorry it's been a while, but I hope you enjoy it. And thank you for reading, voting and commenting. :) 

Saturday morning found the teachers at a meeting in the Staff room to "discuss" the finalities of the Quidditch match that would be held that afternoon.

Snape had tried to commandeer his usual seat by the fire, where he could sit behind his paper and hopefully become deaf and blind for the hour that everyone would choose to twitter and fuss over that idiot Potter. But Filius had beaten him to it and refused to give way to the dangerously dark scowl Snape sent his way.

He ended up at the table and that made being antisocial a little harder but not impossible as he had proven on numerous previous occasions.

Unfortunately Harry chose to sit down at the same time, causing Snape to glare at him.

"Potter! Not content to blight decent society with your antics, now you deign to waste precious school time as well, I see," Snape snarled at the tall, good-looking boy that the skinny schoolboy had grown into.

"Professor Snape." Harry eyed the ex-potions professor carefully as he moved one seat further up and sat down.

"Hello, Harry." Megan came to sit down beside Snape at the table.

"Professor Snape; it's great to see you again." Harry beamed at her.

"Oh, please, call me Meg; you're not a student here anymore."

"Thank, Merlin," growled Snape darkly.

Meg rolled her eyes at Harry, who smiled softly back at her.

"How do you enjoy professional Quidditch?"

"Very much!" He nodded his head and looked around as more teachers came into the staff room.

"Sirius!" Harry spotted his godfather and called out to him.

Snape narrowed his eyes at Sirius and pointedly raised the paper that he always kept in the staff room to avoid having to talk to anyone foolish enough to try.

"Harry! There you are! Meg, good to see you again." Sirius came over with Remus beside him.

Sirius swooped down on Meg and kissed her cheek noisily. Snape lowered his paper and frowned darkly at him.

"That's my wife, Black!" Snape narrowed his eyes. "Stop mauling her." His voice was soft and dangerous.

Meg hid a quick grin; it made her feel peculiar that he could get so jealous over her. Although, she was pretty certain that if Albus kissed her cheek, or even Remus for that matter, he wouldn't bat an eyelid, but someone he didn't like just wasn't allowed.

"I hear you've been doing enough mauling as it is," Sirius chortled and eyed Snape with wicked mischief in his eyes. "Congratulations, of course," he added slowly to Meg

"Thank you, Sirius." She smiled, watching Snape's face closely. He looked over at her and raised one eyebrow in arrogant question before raising the paper back up.

"Although, I have to say, I'm finding it hard seeing Snape bouncing a baby on his knee," he continued lazily.

"Try harder," barked Snape from behind his paper.

"I think it's great news," Harry said. "Hermione was pleased to hear and sends you her best, by the way."

"That's nice, how is she doing?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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