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She stared up at the man in confusion.

"You mean I don't really need glasses, but my eyes are affected?"

"Yes." He nodded and watched as she got up from the chair and crossed to the window.

"You are very slightly long sighted, but it's such a slight difference that glasses aren't really needed."

"Would it make me trip and fall at all?"

"No, I wouldn't think so."

"How about memory loss?"

"Not at all." He frowned and scribbled something down.

"I can give you a very slight prescription for your right eye, but it seems pointless."

"Would it stop the headaches?"

"I can't see that it would cause the headaches, to be honest." He stood up and walked across to the stand of glasses. He picked out a round gold rimmed pair and touched his wand to the lenses.

"Try it," he offered and she went to him, taking them.

"I can't see a difference," she admitted, but realised that they would work very well in placating Snape. "Would it be for reading?"

"Yes." He nodded and shrugged. "Try them, take them away on a trial, if you still continue to get headaches then bring them back."

She smiled at his kindness and shook her head.

"No, thank you, I'll buy them now."

"Are you happy with the style?"

"Yes, thanks."

He nodded doubtfully and took them back to find a box.

Meg paid for them and leaving the shop, crossed to Flourish and Blotts.

"And?" Snape was waiting outside for her, a bag of stationary in one hand.

"Glasses," she sighed and took the box out, feeling the slight twinges of conscience.

"All the time?"

"Close work," she replied and kept her head down, busy getting them out of the box to show him.

"Nice," he remarked when she slid them on. "Makes you look almost intelligent."

"For that you can buy me an ice-cream," she snorted, taking them off again and sliding them away carefully.

"Only one? Are you dieting?" he asked slyly and avoided the slap she gave his arm by catching her hand and holding onto it.

They didn't stay long in Diagon Alley after that, just long enough for them to eat a whole tub of ice-cream between them. They used a return portkey and were soon walking back to the castle. The sun was just dipping below the horizon; brilliant red and orange streaks ran across a pale purple sky. Behind them, away from the setting sun, the sky was already a deep purple almost black colour. Meg loved sunsets and stopped briefly to watch the sun disappear from view.

They were soon back at the gates to Hogwarts. Meg stood back as Snape opened them for her and then keeping his hand on her lower back, led her through. She looked up at the castle; her bubble of happiness was burst and heaviness settled over her heart. She was back. For once, probably the first time she'd ever experienced it; Hogwarts didn't make her feel welcome. She didn't feel the usual tingle of security. Struggling with an almost overwhelming urge to turn and run back the way she'd come; she began to walk very slowly up the path. Snape still beside her, a respectful distance between them now, his hands by his sides, clutching the bag. He was only feet away from her, but Meg felt as if he was several miles away; completely detached. She was all alone. Her feet dragged slower and slower, until Snape stopped impatiently and turned to her.

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