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A/N: Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. You make my day. :)

Huge thanks to SilasAggeleMou for making it readable. :)

I hope you enjoy this. 

The twelfth of October arrived with colder weather; summer had departed and with it the happy spirits of the students and teachers alike. Lessons had settled down and everyone was back into routine.

Senga was quiet and kept to herself, but most of her housemates had begun to leave her alone anyway. Most nine-day wonders soon wear off, and Senga Malfoy was no different.

Her parents, Odile and Lucifer, had taken Damien and returned to their home in Germany, much to Meg's relief. At least she would have no more dinner parties to sit through. Life seemed to pass by relatively easily, and Meg was lulled into feeling secure.

Snape wasn't so easy fooled, but he kept his concerns to himself and outwardly looked no different from his usual dark, brooding, silent and cold self. So, it was with a relatively happy heart that Meg awoke with on the morning of the twelfth.

"Do you require a bath chair today?"

Meg opened her eyes to see Snape standing beside the bed, frowning down at her.

"What?" Meg blinked and rolled over to sit up, staring at him sleepily.

"Well, considering you are now thirty; quite an accomplishment to arrive at such an age unscathed."

"I'll scathe you if you don't leave me be," she grunted.

"And here I was, trying to be nice to you on your birthday," he smirked at her.

"Do me a favour, Severus, and leave being nice to people who actually know how to do it."

"Tut! Tut! Obviously being one year older makes you grumpy." He reached down and pushed her to one side so he could sit down beside her.

"Not being one year older, just you."

"Oh, dear." He reached out and slid his arm around her shoulders. "You will not be wanting this then, will you?" He held a package wrapped in red paper just out of her reach with his other hand.

"Now, I didn't say the receiving of presents makes me grumpy," she said grinning at him. "In fact, the receiving of presents makes me very un-grumpy."

"Un-grumpy?" He lifted an eyebrow at her and shook his head in mock exasperation. "I really shall have to see about obtaining a dictionary to help me understand you more."

"You get a dictionary. I get that nice box thing in your other hand," she suggested and tried to reach for it, but he pinned her arms to her sides with his body and arm.

"Only if you say, please."

"Please." She grinned at him, "What is it? Can I eat it?"

He started to draw the box toward her and then pulled it away when he heard her words. "No, you can't. Must you always think of your stomach?"

"Okay then, can I wear it?"

"Why don't you open it and see?"

"Erm, because you haven't actually given it to me, yet?" She wiggled and he let her go enough to reach for the box.

She set it on her lap and began to open the wrappings.

"I'm stunned," he drawled sarcastically, "no tearing at the box as if it contained the elixir of life?"

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