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She wakes up and thinks of me?

Snape didn't move from the doorway, just watched as she made her way up through the tables, stopping to speak to a Third Year student briefly before going to sit down.

She wakes up and thinks of me?

He shook his head and snorted in self-derision.

Probably because I'm usually lying on her hair.

He smirked slightly as he thought of how she'd woken him up the other morning with a squeal. She'd tried to sit up, but his arm had been lying on her hair, pinning her down.

He began to walk forward, thinking hard.

But then, she said I'm the last thing she thinks of before she goes to sleep.

He frowned at his thought process; another snort escaped him without him even realising it.

But then that's probably because most nights before going to sleep, we do quite a lot of damage to each other's self-control. Well, I seem to have trouble with mine anyway.

He snorted again as he sat down beside her.

Meg was chewing a mouthful of sausage as he sat down snorting and it made her sigh inwardly, why did she have to go and ruin it?

He was probably now sitting there wondering how to let her down gently. She sighed again. He probably wouldn't even try and be gentle.

"I'm supposed to be watching around the Quidditch pitch after lunch." He spoke without thinking, a very rare thing for him to do. His own eyebrows rose as he wondered what possessed him to say that. Might as well go the whole way and ask her to go with him.

"That's nice," she murmured, her mouth still full.

"Would you..." He stopped and set his knife and fork down with a clatter. He was annoyed with her for putting him in this ridiculous situation

"Would I what?" she asked, looking at him in surprise.

"Would you come with me?" he finally asked, his face dark and unreadable.

"Don't fancy facing all those horrible kids alone?" She couldn't help but tease him. It seemed a part of her was surely masochistic; why else would she leave herself open to his sarcasm.

"Would anyone in their right mind?" His lips quirked slightly.

"You do realise that you've just admitted you're not in your right mind," she grinned, pleasantly surprised to see him nearly smile.

"How do you work that one out, Professor?"

"Well, you chose to become a teacher, therefore, by that choice, you're not in your right mind, else you'd be doing something else, somewhere else away from these horrible kids."

He did smile this time, albeit very briefly, but it was there. It crossed his mind to tell her that he'd rather have her in his rooms for several hours than do anything.

She set her own knife and fork down.

"C'mon then, I'll guard you." She grinned and stood up, taking a bread roll with her.

"Can't I eat lunch either?" he asked dryly, only halfway through his food.

"Of course you can," she smiled. "I just need to get something from my rooms." She backed away from the table, pushed along by some devil on her shoulder, she stopped and looked down at him.

"One, main entrance, don't be late." She did her best impression of his voice and grinning swept out of the hall.

He chuckled as his eyes followed her all the way. Anyone else who tried to blatantly take the mickey like that would get an ear full of his most biting sarcasm.

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