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A/N: A fluffy OOC moment and it's quite short... but it is still not the end. :)

Two Weeks Later

Meg turned full circle, a choking noise came from her throat.

"Flip!" Jack scratched his head. "Don't you look nice?"

"Nice?" came Rolanda's horrified cry. "Jack, she looks gorgeous."

Meg grinned at her brother who looked suitably chastised.

"You know what I mean!" He shrugged.

"Yeah, I know!" Meg turned back to the mirror and feasted her eyes once again on the dress that Rolanda had helped her find.

It was a simple, pale violet shift dress with off the shoulder sleeves. The fabric, which was a watered silk, was covered with hundreds of tiny stones, so no matter which way she turned it seemed as if she was surrounded in stardust. Her hair was left down, as Severus preferred her hair that way. She had tiny violets and pearls threaded through the length.

"I can't remember ever wearing anything so beautiful," she whispered.

"It looks wonderful. Severus won't know what hit him," Rolanda sighed.

Jack looked slightly pained at his name but covered it with a cough.

"I know you still have reservations over Severus," Meg sighed, knowing him well.

"Reservations? I have an entire dossier why you should be running from him, not marrying him," he stated, even with Rolanda glaring at him. "Why can't you wait a few years and marry Neville? He seems a decent enough chap," Jack added.

Meg spluttered and eyed him with distaste.

"Neville is more than just a decent chap, but it would be like marrying you," she managed finally.

"Oh!" Jack thought about that and shrugged before standing up, suddenly serious.

"If he ever hurts you come to me, anything happens, even if you change your mind, come to me. I'll see you're all right!"

"Oh, Jack, I do love you!" She kissed his cheek. "Nothing will happen. Well, I'm not going to say that we won't have arguments, but I know he'd never hurt me."

"He's a good man," Rolanda said, her hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Fine... As long as you know." He winked at her, and leaning forward kissed her gently on the forehead.

Megan took a deep breath and nodded to them. It was time.


Meg had never seen anything so beautiful. It was understated elegance; something she should have expected from Severus. But she had never envisaged this.

The moon wasn't quite full, so hundreds of fairy lights hung in mid air, casting a twinkling light that caught the stones on Meg's dress and made her feel as if she'd joined the stars.

She looked around the tiny alcove that had been secluded in the grounds for them. Normally, it was an alcove that led out into the gardens behind the greenhouses. But tonight, it had been enchanted. Roses covered the walls and a blanket of moss had been set on the ground.

Severus turned when he heard her and the look on his face was enough to make Meg forget anything except him.

He wore a black suit that was obviously cut for him, his hair was still long and loose, but she could see he'd washed it. A soft smile curved her lips; she wouldn't have cared if he hadn't. The look on his face would have made up for him turning up in his work robes. It was the look of love. The look one gets when they see the person they love most in the world. The soft shimmer that fills the eyes when they see the person who lights up their life. And he had it in his eyes now; and it was only for her.

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