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I was heartbroken when I heard the news that Alan Rickman had died. I never knew him, most of us didn't. But I don't think any of us were untouched by his talent, I know I wasn't. He's probably going to be remembered most for bringing to life the part of Severus Snape; but over the years he played many brilliant parts, bringing to life characters like Alexander Dane, Hans Gruber, Sheriff of Nottingham, Jamie, the list goes on. 

Thank you, Alan for bringing us great joy over the years. You will be missed.


A/N: Thank you so much everyone who has read, voted and left comments. It means a great deal. And thank you to Jennifer for her hard work in sorting out my many and varied errors. :)


Meg was comfortable; she was hugging her pillow, warm under the blankets. She was in that wonderful state between sleep and waking, when everything was alright. Only good existed in the world and it really didn't matter if she stayed there forever.

Something brushed over her nose, making it itch.

"G'way," she mumbled and brushed her nose with her fingers, not opening her eyes.

Fingers prodded her shoulder this time, gently but firmly.

"Ten minutes more," she grumbled, her eyes opening, knowing full well who was trying to get her up. Snape was kneeling by the bed, his face level with hers; black eyes staring at her impatiently.

"I was beginning to think you were hibernating in there."

"I was... am... so can't you go and bug some students," she grumbled and turned over presenting him with her back as she snuggled down again.

"You've slept right through breakfast and lunch; you aren't sleeping the entire day away. Poppy will see you in an hour, so get your lazy body out of that bed before I do something drastic."

"Go get a life and leave me alone," she mumbled, trying hard to ignore him prodding at her back with his finger not so gently this time.

"I have a life. You, however, seem determined to sleep yours away."

"And this concerns you because?" She gave up with a groan and sat up, pushing the hair out of her face with one hand, while glaring at him.

"Well, for one thing it's my bed you're lazing in. And while I'm not averse to having you in my bed," he grinned evilly at her. "I'd much rather you were awake and I was in there too."

"Well I'm awake now." She arched her eyebrow at him and patted the covers beside her.

"So you are." He leaned forward and gripped the covers she was holding up around her. With a quick flick he had the covers completely off her; the cold air making her cry out in shock.

"Now get out and get dressed. Poppy won't like it if you're late." He got up from his knees and without a backward glance crossed to the door that led to his study.

"I don't have a headache today, in fact I feel absolutely great; maybe all I needed was a good sleep," she called after him, getting up onto her knees. "I think you were right in suggesting Living Death."

"All you need is a good spanking; now get up before I get you up," he growled back at her darkly.

Meg grumbled and slid off the bed, wrapping his dressing gown round her, fighting off the chill from the room.

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