I know

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Thank you to Jennifer for editing for mistakes.  And thank you to everyone who reads this, votes and maybe even comments.  It makes my day. Thank you. :)


Meg wasn't sure how she got through the rest of the day, but she did. And now she was stood in her classroom, the last student of the day had just left shutting the door behind them. She looked round the classroom and let go a deep sigh she hadn't realised she was holding.

She used her wand to tidy the last pieces of equipment away, and then she sank down onto her chair and rested her chin in her hands as she stared down at her desk. She had made herself shut off all emotions, all thoughts of this morning. But now, as she sat with nothing to occupy her mind, those words came back to her.



Words she thought would never apply to her. She wasn't maternal. Not in the slightest. Children were something other people had; not her and certainly not Severus.

Oh Merlin, Severus!

What on earth would he say, how would he react?

She wasn't sure she wanted to know. But she had to tell him; he had to know. After all was said and done, getting pregnant wasn't exactly something she managed single-handedly. He'd been there as well.

She buried her face in her hands, groaning aloud. She was starting to feel sick again.

It had come and gone all day, but each time she'd been able to push it away. She hadn't eaten anything all day long and now she could feel the emptiness in her stomach, along with a feeling of nausea that told her the moment she ate anything she'd bring it straight back up.

Her door opened and she shot up straight.

"Megan? I knocked but you didn't answer. Are you okay?"

Meg looked across at where Rolanda Hooch was coming into the room.

"Rolanda!" Meg smiled at the woman and motioned her in. "I forgot you were coming, sorry! Everything's fine."

"I had a message from Jack. He said if you want, you can come over next weekend and sort through the sale of the house."

Meg had forgotten all about the fact they were going to sell their family home and split the proceeds between them. Jack and Rolanda had a tiny cottage together in Hogsmeade which made it easy for Rolanda to carry on working at Hogwarts, and easy for Jack to still run his Photography Studio. Meg stayed with Severus in their suite of rooms in the dungeons, and during the holidays they went to his Manor. So it seemed silly that their parents' house stood empty when it could be sold and the money shared between the two of them.

"Yes. I wanted to talk to Jack about that. Severus has asked Albus if we could take Senga there for a weekend for them to get to together without everyone else around."

"Ah, good idea." Rolanda came and perched on one of the desks in front of Meg. "Senga is definitely a chip off the old block, isn't she? Apart from her Uncle, I've never met anyone so able to push people away without even saying anything."

"Still no friends?" Meg frowned. She had hoped that Senga would have fit in and found some friends by now.

"No. I think the others are a bit in awe of her. She's got the name Malfoy, and it hasn't taken long for it to spread whose niece she is. I would feel sorry for her, if it wasn't for the fact that she really doesn't seem to care."

"Good at hiding her feelings?"

"I thought so, but it's more than that. She just truly doesn't seem to care. She's always the last one to either be picked, or paired off."

It's A One Time Thing It Just Happens A Lot.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon