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A/N:  Thank you for continuing to read this.  It means a lot to me. :)  At just under 9500 words, there's a lot here.  Hope you enjoy it. :)


"The students are in their common rooms, so everyone is safe. We just need to spread out and catch them all," Dumbledore addressed everyone gathered in the staff room.

"We need to contain them in one area and then box them up again," came Pomon's eager voice.

"Gotta catch 'em all." Meg said in a funny singsong voice.

She received several strange glances from the others.

"What?" Minerva frowned at her.

"S'okay, Meg's been watching too much Muggle Television again," Dean said helpfully.

Meg shrugged and muttered an apology; her glance went to Snape who just rolled his eyes at her.

"Well, it's quite right though; we do have to catch them all," Dumbledore said musing. "I haven't seen so many spiders since my last trip with Hagrid into the forest."

"How do you propose to catch them?" asked Snape from where he was leaning against the fireplace staring into the flames.

"We spread out. Cover as much ground as possible; fortunately Boggarts aren't the cleverest of creatures, they will in fact come and find us," Dumbledore replied stroking the hair on his chin.

"We can't let this continue past a couple of days," Minerva said sharply. "We have the outings and the Yule ball coming up. Not to mention Christmas!"

"Call off Christmas," Snape said suggested in his silky voice.

Meg snorted with laughter. He didn't raise his head but his eyes met with Meg's and she saw the glint of humour in his eyes.

"I think perhaps that might be a little drastic, Severus," Dumbledore rumbled, his own eyes twinkling.

"Really? What a shame!" Severus stood up straight and sighed.

Minerva almost overloaded on that last comment. But Dumbledore cut off any reply by stating quite firmly that the sooner they got on the quicker it'd be accomplished.

He sent everyone off and Meg was unhappy to find she was with Dean and Snape. But there was nothing to be done for it.

They were sent down to the dungeons, as Snape knew that part better than anyone.

Meg avoided both men and walked slightly behind them.

"Keep up!" Snape snapped as they entered the dungeons.

She pulled a face behind his back and felt slightly better at the childish response.

"It splits into three here; Professor Rider you go right, Professor Kincaid left, I'll take the centre one. Anyone gets into trouble, shout," he ordered and set off before they even had time to think about it.

"Is he always this dominant?" asked Dean, looking sideways at Meg who was staring after Snape's disappearing figure in disbelief.

"I wouldn't know," she remarked quietly.

"How are you anyway?" he asked, but nothing in voice gave an indication he cared to really know.

She didn't look at him, or reply, just set off down her own passageway. It grew darker as she got deeper; there were no windows here, only lit torches that hung on the walls at intervals. It was damp, dank and musty smelling. Meg would rather have been given anywhere than here.

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