Rachel Berry Trainwreck Extravaganza

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Based loosely on 'blame it on the alcohol'. None of the New Directions know about Klaine. Just pretend that everyone is really drunk (apart from Finn and Kurt) but they can still realise what's going on and remember in the morning.

This isn't exactly the New Directions meeting Blaine for the first time but it is the New Directions meeting Blaine as Kurt's boyfriend for the first tim ;)


"Let's play spin the bottle! SPIN THE BOTTLE!" Kurt groaned as Rachel yelled in Finn's ear but he grinned when Blaine grabbed his hand and pulled him to sit next to him in the weird-looking circle slowly forming around an empty bottle.

"Seeing as it's my house, I'll go first." Rachel fell over Finn as she reached to spin the bottle.

"Blaine Warbler! I'm gonna rock your world." Rachel pointed to the teen sitting next to Kurt with a slightly disgusted look plastered on his face.

Rachel an Blaine's lips met in the middle of the circle, over the bottle, and lasted for about 3 seconds before Blaine pulled away and leant into Kurt.

"Eww, girl lips. I got girl cooties, Kurt!" Blaine whispered, his breath ghosting over Kurt's neck.

"Your turn, Hobbit." Santana yelled.

"Okay!" Blaine bounced in his seat excitedly, "Kurtie!" Blaine yelled when the bottle's neck pointed straight at the the chestnut haired boy.

"Get your wank on, boys." Puck cried, cowering under Santana's death glares as he slurred her word out.

Blaine immediately pressed his lips to Kurt in a hard, deep kiss. The kiss was a bit sloppy but Kurt didn't mind, any kiss from Blaine set off fireworks. Blaine's hand slid up Kurt's thigh, eliciting a gasp from the latter. Blaine took advantage of Kurt's open mouth quickly as his tongue intruded Kurt's mouth and their tongues instantly started their usual battle for dominance.

They didn't know when it happened but somehow Blaine ended up straddling Kurt. Kurt's hands were at the back of Blaine's neck as Blaine rocked down against Kurt, causing them both to gasp or moan every few seconds as their erections rubbed together.

Blaine leapt off of Kurt when someone coughed purposefully.

"Wanky." Santana glared at Puck as he said her word at the same time as she did.

"Uh, well. I think we're done with this game." Finn stared awkwardly at the two blushing teenagers.

"Ooh, I know! Let's play never have I ever!" Tina raised her hand in the air.

"Yeah!" Rachel cried.

"We need more booze though." Puck shouted, moving to get more 'booze' for the game.

"Okay, never have I ever kissed someone of the same sex." Mercedes grinned as Kurt, Blaine, Santana, Brittany and Sam drunk.

"Sam?" Quinn frowned.

"Seventh grade, Spin the bottle." Sam shrugged.

"Okay... Never have I ever failed a test." Rachel smiled.

"No. New rule; it has to be sexual." Puck stated, "What? I wanna find out about people but I don't wanna find out who failed tests or not." Puck grinned when everyone agreed.

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