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Blaine and Kurt met each other through Blaine's sister; Rachel. They've been friends ever since they were 6 and now, at 18, they've finally developed something... more than friendship. But Rachel's getting suspicious, how much longer before she finds out and how will she react?

Rachel gaped from the top of her stairs as she watched her brother open the door and expect an incredibly tight hug that lasted way longer than necessary from her best friend.

"Hey, Rach?" She heard Blaine call.

"I'm right here." She huffed as she ran down the stairs, "Hi, come on Kurt." She glared heatedly at Blaine before grabbing Kurt's hand and dragging him away, trying not to notice the way Kurt looked back and watched Blaine.

"Hey, Rach. How-"

"Don't 'hey, Rach' me!" Rachel shrieked, "What was that?"

Kurt frowned, "What was what?"

"That-that hug! Why'd you hug my brother?"

"Uh, because he's my friend as well?"

"Yeah, but you're here for me! And you're meant to like me more! And you didn't even hug me so-"

Rachel shrieked as Kurt tackled her to the bed and squeezed her in his arms, laughing as he did so, "There, is that a good enough hug?"

Rachel couldn't speak through her laughter so she simply nodded.


Rachel was walking past her room when she heard music coming from Blaine's room.

At first she rolled her eyes, assuming it was Blaine practicing some new warbler song.

So, not wanting to spy or betray her glee club, she began to walk away.

But then she heard the voice coming from the door.

Don't go changing, to try and please me
You never let me down before
Hmm, hmm, hmm

That wasn't Blaine's voice. That was Kurt! What was Kurt doing here? Rachel didn't even know Kurt was coming round today.

Blaine had told her that one of his close friends was coming to see him... it couldn't have been Kurt, could it?

She edged towards Blaine's bedroom door just as her brother began to sing.

Don't imagine you're too familiar
And I don't see you anymore

Rachel narrowed her eyes. This wasn't the kind of song you sing with your 'close friend'.

So, with a final glare to Blaine's door, she burst through it and began singing the next verse.

I would not leave you in times of trouble, no
We never could have come this far

Kurt and Blaine almost jumped out of their skin when Rachel stormed in, completely not expecting her.

Blaine stood up and raised an eyebrow at her, challenging her, testing her.

Blaine and the New DirectionsWhere stories live. Discover now