Teen Angel

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Kurt and Blaine began dating in Original Song but never told anyone. Blaine joined McKinely and the New Directions but then Kurt graduated. A few months later, and Kurt was invited to come see the New Directions perform Grease. Will anyone find out about Kurt and Blaine?

Go back to high school

Blaine ended the song at the top of the staircase, finally being able to stare right at his boyfriend and smile. They'd caught each other's eyes a couple times throughout the song but now Blaine could really look at him.

They hadn't seen each other for 2 weeks, not including their daily Skype calls. It was hard, being in a long-term relationship, but Blaine knew that it was worth it whenever Kurt came back to Ohio or Blaine went to New York.

He stepped backstage with a huge grin on his face and butterflies in his stomach before realising that he wouldn't be allowed to leave until the show was over. His smile fell from his face and he very quickly became bored.

After a while, he decided to waste some time by helping out backstage, handing people their costumes, helping with the lights and music and telling people when it was their turn to go on.

He finally appeared back on stage to perform 'You're The One That I Want'. He couldn't find Kurt anywhere in the audience but his imagination more than made up for that, if he closed his eyes he could pretend that the girl dancing with him was Kurt, and that was enough for now.


20 minutes later, the whole cast had bowed to loud rounds of applause and were now applauding themselves.

They all stood in a big huddle of excited teens, practically glowing with pride for their performance. Blaine was every bit as excited, but he was just slightly more worried about the fact that Kurt still hadn't shown up.

However, every ounce of worry drained from his face when his boyfriend stepped into the room, moving his eyes along the walls and every face before finally landing on Blaine.

Blaine watched as the familiar signs of recognition crossed Kurt's face; the boy's eyes widening slightly, his eyebrows furrowing before popping back up and finally his lips stretching to form a big toothy grin, only reserved for seeing Blaine.

He could vaguely hear Tina calling his name, but she didn't matter right now. Not when Kurt jerked his head slightly, gesturing for him to come over.

Blaine allowed a huge grin to spilt across his face as he freed himself from Ryder's arms and bounded over to his boyfriend, not even hesitating for half a second before throwing his arms around Kurt's neck, the countertenor immediately looping his around Blaine's waist and laughing as the force of Blaine's hug knocked him back slightly.

They pulled apart a few seconds later, both still grinning widely.

"What did you think?" Blaine asked, barely able to keep still.

"You're absolutely amazing Blaine." Kurt laughed, "And that performance was just as wonderful as I expected, I'm so proud to be able to call you mine."

"What?" Tina exclaimed, appearing next to Blaine, "Blaine, you know Kurt?"

Blaine's eyes widened dramatically as he opened and shut his mouth a few times, Kurt laughing and immediately coming to the rescue, "We knew each other from when I went to Dalton."

Tina nodded in understanding, calling the few New Directions members who knew Kurt.

"Kurt!" Sugar cried, hugging the boy who gasped and tensed as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"What was that hug, dude?" Sam asked Blaine, "You guys have some epic bromance going on?"

Blaine laughed, "No, uh, just a romance."

"Wait-" Tina gaped, "You guys aren't- you're not- are you?"

"We are." Kurt nodded, "Have since about a month before I transferred back to McKinley."

Sam frowned, "You're what?" The others turned to look disappointedly at him, "What? I don't get it! What are you and Blaine?"

"We're dating, Sam." Blaine laughed.

Sam's eyes widened dramatically, "Woah, dude! But he's older than you!"

"By 1 year! Sam, we went to the same school! Dalton and McKinley! There's not much of an age difference!"

"But-but- still! Thats- that's so- so not cool, man!" Sam turned to Kurt, "You're a horrible person! You-"

"Sam," Kurt laughed, "You need to calm down. I only graduated last year and Blaine is graduating this year. We're not even a year apart."

Sam narrowed his eyes slightly before throwing his hands up in the air and turning to place his hands on Blaine's shoulders, "Look, man, if you wanna sell yourself to some older guy, that's ok. But- but you matter Blaine!"

The blonde turned on his heel and walked away, shaking his head when Jake asked if he was ok.

"Still dramatic as ever, I see." Kurt laughed.

Blaine nodded, smiling as he stared at his boyfriend. Kurt turned to look at Blaine, only finding him looking back. Kurt smiled brightly at him, Blaine's smile not changing at all, it simply staying a completely content, adoring smile as he blinked gently and stepped forward slightly to hug Kurt again.

"I missed you so much." Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear, settling his nose against Kurt's neck.

Kurt simply hummed, not needing to say anything for Blaine to understand. The two had always been like that, growing so accustomed to each other that they could understand each other with just a noise or action.

"I love you."


I liked this request, thank you very much ThePoeticPhoenix

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I liked this request, thank you very much ThePoeticPhoenix

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