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Kurt and Blaine have been dating for a while and the New Directions don't even know who Blaine is. But will they meet him when Kurt loses his voice?

Kurt cried as he drove home. He'd screwed up again. Some how he'd managed to lose his voice on the day of his solo. His first solo since returning to McKinley after being at Dalton.

He knew something was wrong when he woke up in the morning, feeling terrible. He had a throbbing headache, a blocked nose, he could barely keep his eyes open and worst of all; he could barely speak.

But he'd carried on and decided to go to school anyway. He spent the whole day either nodding his head, shaking it or simply shrugging his shoulders whenever anyone spoke to him. He could tell his friends were worried but they all knew better than to ask him what was wrong.

Because Kurt Hummel never got sick. Ever. He could only ever remember missing one day off school because of an sickness, but even that was only a fake cold he'd insisted he had when he was struggling to come to terms with his mother's death.

So for some unknown reason, the world had decided to bestow an illness upon Kurt. It was just his luck that it was on the day of one of his very few solo opportunities.

Mr. Schue had sent him home when he stepped onto the auditorium stage, opened his mouth in front of the microphone and... nothing came out. He tried to explain that he was fine, that all he needed was a glass of water but it was a bit impossible, considering the fact that he couldn't speak.

And now he had just arrived at his house, parked his car in his driveway and grudgingly got out of his car with his satchel draped clumsily over his shoulder. He unlocked his front door, locked it behind himself, limped through to the living room and collapsed into the couch face first. No one was home. Which meant no noise. Which meant lots of sleep.


Kurt woke with a start, blinking blearily up at his dad who had apparently been shaking his shoulder and calling his name for the past half hour. His dad had a tendency to over exaggerate.

Kurt groaned and rolled over onto his back, staring at his dad who raised an eyebrow down at him, "You ok, kiddo?"

The only reply Burt got in answer was an eye roll and an almost silent grunt, "Uh, I would've let you sleep longer but your smart-mobile-cellphone has been goin' off for a while now and it's startin' to annoy me."

Kurt muttered, "Just call it a phone, dad," as he was handed his phone warily by his dad.

Burt scoffed, shrugged his shoulders and stood up, plonking himself down in his chair across form Kurt.

Kurt switched his phone on and immediately wondered how long he was asleep for. 30 missed calls and 12 texts.

He unlocked his phone and began reading the texts, starting with the oldest one;

Blaine, (4:50)
Hey, where r u?

Blaine, (4:57)
R u ok?

Blaine, (5:00)
Did u forget about our coffee date?

Blaine, (5:01)
Was it even today?

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