Chapter 4: Kevin

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Three years ago...

"Hold on!" Dylan yells zipping from one place to the other, worriedly, as I look on in absolute horror. "Stay with me!"

"This is not happening, this is so not happening..." Corbin says hands on his head.

Victoria is in a corner crying, deliriously, and Cristian, a Hispanic teenager  with short black hair and black rimmed glasses who is the legacy of Poseidon, has a nervous look on his face, as if not knowing what he should do. The room is filled with a despairing feel to it as we look on at Dylan's operation. Blood everywhere.

How could he... I had thought, anger building within me. How could he!!

The curtain to the tent opens and the person that I wanted to kill most stepped in through it. All I see is red.

I charged at him and both our bodies slam onto the muddy ground. I grab his shirt collar and proceeded to beat his face in. "I'LL KILL YOU!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. "YOU FRICKIN JERK!! HOW COULD YOU DO IT? HUH? YOU WERE LIKE A BROTHER TO HER!!"

Suddenly I was grabbed from behind by numerous of people. "Calm down" they said. "Let him go" they said. Well I didn't want to do either. I wanted to cause him so much pain. To kill him. To murder him. To torture him.

The next thing I know, I was yanked away by stronger arms than mine. I look up to see the haggard face of the immortal centaur Chiron. "The fighting since over, Kevin."

I struggle as hard as I can, but of to no avail. "LET ME GO! I yell loudly. HE DESERVES TO DIE!! HE DESERVES TO BE BEATEN!"

"Kevin... There's already been enough death." He says, his voice somber and hollow, pleading. "Please. We do not need anymore."

Finally I stop, seeing how pointless it is. I look at him dead in the face. That low life. That scumbag. I level a glare at him as he stands up, his face bruised and bloody.

"If you come near us ever again... I'll kill you." I say with venom in my voice.

He didn't say a word. He just turned around and that was the last that we ever saw of Landon Ambrosius.


The silvery pale light of the moon illuminates my room. The moon itself is positioned in front of my window, as if peeping in on me with its battered face. The light washes over me, filling me with only peace and calm that only a few can achieve. Slowly, yet surely, the moon rises up the night sky carrying on with its nightly routine. And so am I.

"220... 221... 223... 224.." I grunt out.

Currently, I am doing a workout routine that I had adopted after the war. It consists of 100 push-ups, 50 sit ups, 6o one arm push-ups, and something that I added myself, which is called vertical push-ups. Vertical push ups which impossible for some, but for a legacy of Ares and Kratos, it wasn't all too hard.

"235... 236... 237... 239..."

Come on. I think, gritting my teeth, trying to push through the screaming pain of my muscles. My face as hot as a inferno from being upside down for too long and a hot tear hits the floor below me. Just a few more. I ground my teeth.

"244... 245... 246... 247..."

My arms start to wobble and my legs begin to slightly move from side to side. I'm starting to lose equilibrium.

"249..." with one last final effort, I finish. "250!!" I yell.

Despite my aching muscles, I gently lower myself down to the cold smooth wooden floor, so as not to die from a sudden rush of blood flowing throughout my body. A cold draft kisses my sweaty torso causing a shiver of delight to shiver down my spine, welcoming the chill. My heavy breathing breaks through the silence of my cabin.

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