Chapter 11: Dylan

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"Hey Vic, Tiff." I call out to the resting couple. Victoria was sitting in the passenger seat next to me and Tiffany sat in the back. When I hear them groan, I smirk. "We're here."

"So?" Victoria groans tiredly. "Who cares? Wake us up when we are actually at the base, stupid."

I fake a sniffle and wipe a nonexistent tear away. "So mean...."

Tiffany moans. "Oh, will you two shut the bloody hell up?" She whines, her British accent coming out in full. "It's too early in the bloody morning for you two to argue."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever you old coot." I say, earning me a growl from Tiffany.

"Haven't you ever heard of respecting your elders?" She hisses.

"Yep." I say, popping the p. "But it doesn't help that the elder looks like a seventeen year old girl." Which is actually true. Tiffany is older than all of us, seeing as how she had joined the Huntresses at fourteen and served for 24 years. There are a few... differences in the Huntress than being any other hunting group, one being that they don't age. So technically, Tiffany is actually 38 years old.

"Besides." I continue. "You're not that much older than the rest of us."

"That's a 21 to 20 year age difference buddy." She defends.

"You know. When you say that, it sounds like you're a major pedophile." I tease.

She just groans. "Whatever."

I snort at her frustration.

"Both of you shut up." Victoria says, moving in her seat and yawning.

"Fine." I sigh. It'll still take some time to get the actual base. But judging from the Christmas traffic, it'll take some time to get to the actual place. "So guys." I say into the deafening silence. "Christmas is in two days." I look into the rear view mirror. "Whatcha get?"

Victoria gives me a smirk. "As if we'd tell you what we got for everyone."

"Yeah." Tiffany agrees. "Knowing you, you'd probably use that lie detector sense that you inherited from Apollo to find out which gift is yours."

I roll my eyes. "Oh, come on. Just give me a little hint."

"No." They both deadpan in unison.

I sigh. "Fine." and then we all went silent once more. However, I find myself sneaking glances at Tiffany.

Four days ago, after the 'whole Kevin keeping it a secret that Landon will be the first person that the Altas Kid is going to kill' fiasco, she had said that she had a dream that night. And that dream was about Landon and how he was somewhere, trapped in a dark room chained to a chair. He supposedly had bruises and such from a fight. A fight that was probably from my dream a week ago. I don't know though. When I asked Tiffany if she remembered anything else from it, all she told me was that someone had wavy red hair and that this person appeared shorter than what she originally was. Anything after that, she didn't know anything. Or so she says, but I didn't pry into it. It seemed painful to her, so I took pity on her. Especially what happened afterwards.

When she had finished, she said that we should go look for him, but Kevin had said no and that he wasn't our responsibility. Well, of course Tiffany didn't take that too well. She was mad at him for saying such things and they had argued back and forth, yelling at each other. It didn't help when Corbin had jumped in and agreed with Kevin. Then Victoria had naturally jumped to Tiffany's aid. Curses were flying and the tension was building, but thankfully Cristian had jumped in and neutralized the fight.


"Will you guys shut the hell up?" He asks angrily, the others simmering down and looked at him. "You're acting like a bunch of whining babies." He looks over at Kevin and Corbin. "First of all, you two. Get that stick out of your asses and think for one second. Landon is a good friend of ours, regardless of what happened in the past and if it was us in that position, he would've tried to save us at the drop of a dime. So you need to stop being a short sighted prick and let the past be the past." Looking over at Tiffany and Victoria, he continues. "And while it is true that Landon is a good friend and that he is probably captured somewhere, there is two things that you should know Tiffany. First, we don't even know where he is. How are we going to find him if we don't know the precise location of where he's being held? Second, it was just a dream. And dreams for us can be interpreted in a lot of different ways. I mean, it only shows us what comes to pass. So it'll probably happen some time in the future." He paused to take a breath, everyone seemed to have calmed down a bit. "Though it would help to be cautious. How about we go to Chicago and talk to Chiron about this. If we tell him about this then he'll know what to do. Is that ok?" He finished.

Tiffany and Kevin both nod their heads, agreeing.

"Good. Now, let's go to bed first then we'll continue on to the base." With those final words, he left the restaurant leaving everyone behind in a stupor.


After that, there's been a bit of tension between them. Tiffany and Victoria decided to ride with me in Tiffany's Ford, while Kevin and Corbin rides in my truck and Cristian rode his motorcycle. Yeah, the chasm is pretty deep, but hopefully it'll be filled.

Taking a right down an old abandoned road, I see a steel warehouse standing between two rusted up warehouses. The only difference is, is that the warehouse that I'm looking at has the omega symbol on it. I smile as I see it and a rush of emotions courses through me. "We're here guys." I say as I pull up in front of the warehouse. I honk the horn twice quickly, pause, then honked three times slow.

On queue, the door to the warehouse is pulled upwards and out came a guy in full Greek armor, a sword strapped at his side. He walks up to my window as I roll it down.

"Hey Collin." I say to the guy with a smile.

Collin Bracsious, he was also a part of war with the Romans and was Lieutenant, Kevin's right hand man. He's also the son of Ares, with short black hair and black rimmed glasses. He's a muscular dude and stands at 6 foot 1.

"Oh, hey Dylan." He says, smiling at me. "What's up, buddy?"

"Aw you know, being superheroes and stuff, nothing too exciting"

He laughs at me. "Yeah, I bet." He look into the vehicle and then at the others behind us. "So the gang's all here?" He asks. However, I catch the undertone of what he actually means.

"Sadly, no. But that's something that we really need to talk about."

He raises an eyebrow at me, quizzically. "Yeah sure, but first, I need to see your ID."

I look through my wallet until I find the bronze medallion with the omega sign on it. On the back, it has the Lyre of Apollo signifying that I'm a child (or in my case, grandson) of Apollo. Then Victoria and Tiffany shows him theirs as well.

Seeing them, he nods. "Ok guys, you're clear." He waves us through and we enter the 'dark' warehouse.

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