Chapter 16

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As soon as the prince left the tent, Dev turned his attention to Trouble. She wilted in his arms, and his gut clenched with worry. "What's wrong?"

"So tired," she replied with a yawn. "And my head aches."

He found the spot where the block of ice hit her temple and released a small stream of magic. Now he had the time to heal her as completely as she had him.

She sighed in contentment. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I can't do much about your sleepiness, though."

"I know. Loku explained that part to me."

Bile rose into his throat. He hated that she'd formed such a strong relationship with the disembodied god that he was the one giving her lessons in magic now. But what bothered him more was his visceral reaction whenever another man, flesh or not, tried to win her trust. Jealousy could be just as blinding as desire.

He took a deep breath and loosened his hold on her. "That was a risky decision you made."

Puzzlement filled her large blue eyes when she looked up at him, so he guided her hand to his thigh. Her mouth formed a perfect circle. "I had to do it."

He couldn't argue with her there. The idea of riding all the way to Trivinus with his injured leg kept him up as much as his pain did last night. "I'm the one who should be thanking you."

"We have to take care of each other, especially after last night." She swayed slightly.

He caught her, guiding her to the ground. "Let's rest while we can."

Cinder approached them and licked her face before settling his head in her lap. Dev almost laughed. At least there was one male with whom he didn't mind sharing her.

"Kell said the necromancer got away."

The way Sulaino's eyes glowed red when he demanded Dev give Trouble to him haunted his memory for a moment. For someone who was nothing more than a simple barmaid less than a week ago, she'd suddenly become one of the most popular women in the kingdom. Not only did the necromancer want her, but the prince, too. Although Dev suspected the latter desired more than just her magic.

Three men entered from outside. "Everyone out so we can pack away this tent."

"We can discuss this later. Come on." He helped Trouble to her feet and noticed she seemed to sway less than before.

Ten minutes later, they rode toward Trivinus surrounded by a group of soldiers.


In the afternoon, one of the soldiers broke away from the procession and galloped up the road. Dev's hand automatically reached for his sword, only to grasp air.

"What is it?" Trouble's shoulders slumped forward as she rode next to him, displaying her fatigue. Her lids hung half closed over her eyes.

"A rider broke off from our group in a hurry."

"The prince probably sent him ahead to warn Lord Pryan that we were stopping at his keep tonight," a soldier answered. "That will give the cooks enough time to prepare a decent meal for all of us."

The tension in his thighs and shoulders loosened. After spending the last week dodging Sulaino, he always suspected the worst when he noticed a change around him. He glanced over to Trouble, who practically draped herself over the horse's neck as she rode. If undead came near them, would she notice their presence?

"Dev, do you think it will be safe to stop somewhere overnight?" she asked.

No, his mind immediately replied. As soon as night fell, they'd be sitting ducks for the necromancer and his army. "We don't have much say in the matter. We're prisoners, remember?"

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