Chapter 18

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Kell sat at the head table and surveyed the great hall. The soldiers' plates rattled above the din of their voices, but his attention focused on one person in particular. The Gravarian knight sat alone in his corner, his gaze fixed on the main doors while he ate his breakfast of bread and cheese.

He'd taken a gamble last night by accusing Dev of plotting to escape, but the way the elf scouted the keep when they arrived roused his suspicions. Luckily, he'd been right.

Arden entered the great hall behind Pryan's steward. The morning sunlight fell on her hair as she passed under a window, making it flash like polished gold. Porcelain skin that had been hidden under layers of dirt now glowed from a fresh washing. She stood out like a rare bloom. One he would've wanted to possess if he didn't know how dangerous she could be.

"See something you like?" Bynn teased.


"You're playing with fire, Kell. She made it quite clear last night she's on to your games."

The sting of her refusal resurfaced. Years had passed since a woman had denied him, and no one had ever done it like that in front of a crowd. Despite that, she still intrigued him. "What if I want to play a new game?"

"What are you suggesting?"

"First, I need to earn her trust."

"Then what?"

"Then we'll see what happens." He nibbled on a piece of bacon and grinned. The order of his plans varied with his moods, but they all involved convincing her to stay in Ranello long enough to help him defeat Sulaino.

The steward led her to the head table. She stood in front of him with a mixture of curiosity and resentment in her face. "Good morning, Your Highness."

"Good morning, Arden. Please join us."

Her deep blue eyes flickered to her protector. "If you please—"

"That was an order, not a request."

For a second, he wondered if his imagination played a trick on him. The pale green halo in her eyes flashed, and her upper lip curled slightly. By the time he blinked, however, a smooth mask of composure had settled over her features. She sank into a chair, her gaze never leaving him.

Sweat prickled his skin. He'd never had a woman's unwavering attention fixed on him like that; or at least, not with his knowledge. What was worse, he wasn't sure if his attraction toward her or his fear of her power added to his unease. The weight of Dev's glare only added to it. He was a prince, damn it. He should be used to being the center of attention.

He pushed the discomfort to the back of his mind and flashed his most charming grin. "What would you like to eat?"

She surveyed the offerings on the table, then looked behind her. "I'll have what Dev's having."

"You wouldn't like a bit of bacon or perhaps a bit of preserved fruit to put on your toast?" He imagined licking the remnants of the sweet berry preserves off her lips, and his hunger grew. But not necessarily for breakfast.

The pink color in her cheeks deepened. "I'm not on the menu, Your Highness, so you can quit looking at me like that."

Bynn almost choked on his food from laughter, and embarrassment killed any desire Kell felt for her at that moment. "I could have your head for speaking to me like that."

She shrugged, reaching for a piece of bread. "Beheading is more merciful than being burnt at the stake."

"And you think by antagonizing me, I'll be more merciful?"

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