Exeter City 2-2 Liverpool

34 4 10

MotM- the kids,

(Most of the team, the first time I heard their name was an hour before on the team sheet, once they'd settled in they played pretty well)

We're still in the FA cup!!! Kids (our 2nd youngest line-up ever and the most inexperienced in appearances since 1900) vs experienced adults, I wasn't confident tbh. I know from Europa and and the cups that some of them are good but we had quite a lot of debuts again today. Playing in white, never a good sign this season. Benteke captain, everyone's getting a go this season. All 4 were good goals (don't watch exeter's 2nd) wish we didn't have to replay but it's far better than being out.

Plus Jamie Carragher debuted 19 years ago today.

Kids and a debut captain.

Exeter's experience ain't lacking.

LFC, seen better control at dinner in school.

9 minutes, 1-0 *sigh*

3 minutes go by...

Sinclair equalises, Klopp fist pumps.

On the edge of half time, Exeter's corner,

Bogdan's no where near, it's a scorner.


The FA cup? We're gone.

3 senior players- Bogdan, Enrique, Benteke AKA3 worst players.

Dad: We're not playing very well, are we?

About 5 times later. Me: No, no we're not Dad! I can see!

Penalty shouts STILL don't go our way,

but Smith puts us back in the game.

We make our changes to find our flame but the scoreline remains the same.

We're still in and Exeter get a day out at Anfield soon.

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