The Season of the Foxes

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I was waiting to use that title as the season round up title but basically they've done it already so I can't wait any longer. I mean it in like the Chinese new year, year of the... way, not in a probably low budget horror movie kind of way. Although low budget, awesome season.

Two days late to the party...

(as usual) Couple of reasons for that. 1 assignments- when it's for LFC Idc but this is not my team so work had to come first. 2 as I said I wanted to wait 'til the end 3 I'm conflicted on how I feel.

I've genuinely wanted this from September/ October whenever it was that Vardy had scored 9 in 9 (is that right? that's what I remember/ sounds right) there and then I was like the season is theirs.

I'm happy for them, it's great for them, it's great for football all that, if I have kids they will be told this story, I had that excited nervousness for them for the 2nd half of Chelsea-Spurs (didn't watch to keep Liverpool luck away) Really can't wait to see what they can do next season.

I've gone through all sorts like the fact that it's ended with Spurs dropping points feels like it's less of a victory even though the Foxes have still won and by getting so far in front of everyone else. I'm glad it's over, it's sorted, no more will they, won't they, it's over the PL season is over, 1st and 2nd is sorted, the bottom end probably still has some stories left and us, 8th is good for this season, 3 games left maybe we can get 7th but who cares tbh, focus on Europe.

I love that Vardy invited his team 'round his for a match party, literally if you didn't know the players you'd just think it was a group of fans in a quite nice house. I was like ooh that'll backfire on him/ them if Spurs win (well if they weren't 8 points in front it would) saw half time 2-0 and begged the Plastic Blues to do something right, tried not to think about it at all for like an hour - 2-2 I wish I was at Vardy's party!

He is just such a lad, he called his look alike a full kit wanker, brilliant. Never change, mate.

But I think I'm only really happy out of narcissism. I was right! I've predicted a PL win twice in my life, 1 Liverpool, yeah that didn't go too well and 2 Leicester. Every other team that's ever title raced I've not given a shit about, City taking it from United was alright but I'm blinded by them taking it from us. Plus I said City would win in my story You Are My World as a ploy to get Oasis back together so they definitely weren't gonna win it this time.

The reason I'm conflicted I guess is because now I'm like where's ours, we have to find a way to win it now (I'm partly blaming Redmen TV/ Retro Football TV's attempt at going back and winning 2001-02 for this feeling) and I don't know it just feels weird to celebrate when it's not ours to celebrate, it's theirs. Leicester City WON!!!

Obviously people like to remind us we're still searching for the elusive 19th league title/ 1st PL, I expected that but I didn't expect it so soon. Football Community went from celebrating this historic moment to "Danny Drinkwater 1-0 Steven Gerrard" in about 2 minutes and it's like ffs can football seriously not just be happy and positive and not be so obsessed with that 1 player, Leicester worked their arses off but let's mention an ex PL player and annoy LFC fans for no reason. Any other day fair enough I'm used to it but all they're doing is taking away from LCFC and their fans.

Worse than that Football Community also posted a picture of some out of shape woman "winning" the marathon suggesting that this was the only way girls could possibly understand what the Foxes have done - they apologised for that one.

Think this story is big for us because as Redmen TV were saying on the Villareal match build up, it's about time for Liverpool to do something big again. It makes Thursday very important again, if it ever became unimportant, course it didn't, it's a semi final and I've got nothing else to do but wait for it.

Monday night I ended up talking about Istanbul pretty quickly because let's be honest that's our defense, "we conquered Europe! (5 times)" which is just better than the PL (that was Carra's fault, him carrying big ears around was just on my FB feed) but Redmen TV pointed out that's 11 years ago now, there's a new generation who doesn't have that event, I remember that night (surprisingly well) but I don't remember 2000-2001 when we won the treble, I was 7 a month later tbf.

My Dad refused to believe Leicester could do it I don't know if that's out of seeing us fail, seeing build ups like this fail or what, possibly out of the whole we've not done it like Chris from Redmen TV described but I believed and Leicester City have won the 2015-2016 Premier League.

He was always like nah they'll never make it til May, they'll do what we did and I'm like no they've consistently done it better than us, they're not relying on like 1 player, they've got defense, they've got Schmeichel's kid! (although I only just realised a few weeks ago that he is actually his kid, not just namesake or how people say like Moreno, Gerrard's kid, don't know how that would work but I have seen it) I don't know anything about their manager but I doubt he was a 1 plan man like we had as well, whatever they did, they did it all right.

He also complained that teams they were beating were all laying down for them and would have no way let us win, all stood strong, made shit difficult for us, maybe he's right, maybe the story took over and as much as every team wants/ needs points, maybe they just wanted to play their part. I mean I'm happy we gave them 3 points especially after I thought we'd broken them since our 1-0 was followed by them doing 0-0 1st time they hadn't scored all season and that was at Christmas! 

Tip for next season- hmm probably just remind Vardy he can't call the ref or anyone a "fucking cunt" I didn't see that game and refs sometimes are but just don't say it. I found it funny, the squares at the FA didn't and I could happily rant about Fellaini (and others) never getting in trouble (he's finally been charged for his elbow attacks against Leicester with Huth took like a fcking tank) but Vardy gets done for saying words.

Do I think we can win the PL (like ever)? No...

I really don't know because we've got Klopp cos I think he'd take over the world if he had the resources, so maybe I'll think different after the transfer window and after I've seen the new squad play. Plus this season has proved there isn't some rule somewhere that it has to be a top 4 team who's spent more money than we can imagine to be real, there's definitely not a Man United wins rule - must have been crossed out when Sir Alex Ferguson went.

I just think we like our cups too much and don't mind having bad PL games because we're working on this cup, that cup, Europe's better anyway, maybe they're just the excuses we've protected ourselves with since like 1992. We'd have to stop being consistently inconsistent... 

Sorry if this got long and I've left it on a downer for us but I'm weirdly excited for them, I'm just waiting for Thursday night, I've got nothing better to do so can't wait to see your comments.

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